the great hut to hut.

the great hut to hut

At the very end of August, when the days were still hot and blissfully free, Zan and I, and almost his entire family went on the most amazing 3 day adventure in the White Mountains in New Hampshire. We hiked during the day and spent the afternoons and evenings in a few of the Appalachian Mountain Club Huts, which run along the parts of both the Presidential Traverse and the Appalachian Trail. The entire experience was completely amazing and something that I feel so lucky to have gotten to do! We packed all our snacks and lunches ahead of time, kept our backpacks full of the essentials, and breathed in the most incredible views you can imagine.

Do you know what it feels like to be five thousand and twelve feet above sea level?

I T   F E E L S   G L O R I O U S.

the great hut to hutthe great hut to hut

The first night we stayed at the Mitzpah Spring Hut. All of the AMC huts have one main dining room {pictured here} and then bunk rooms or cabins. It had been raining on our way up to the hut so upon arriving I was both excited and relieved. It felt so cozy and with so much of Zan’s family there hiking the trails and being together– like something special was going down in the history books. And I was glad to be a part of it.

the great hut to hut

Black Bean Soup! Foccacia Bread! Alpine Salad! Chicken Parm!

{These hut crew members did NOT mess around with dinner.}

the great hut to hut the great hut to hutthe great hut to hut

The gang’s all here.

the great hut to hut

Our bunk room!

the great hut to hut

Mapping out plans…

the great hut to hutIMG_4306

And the weather was perfect. Early morning blue skies and a just a little bit cold, which turned to warm, of course, the minute our feet hit the trails. We ate oatmeal and pancakes and bacon for breakfast {another hut meal!} before gathering up our belongings to head out for our second day in the high mountains– 6 miles across the ridge to the Lakes of the Clouds…

the great hut to hut the great hut to hutthe great hut to hut

All 17 of us!

{And Zan’s sister and her boyfriend were joining in later that day. That’s 19! Party!}

the great hut to hut the great hut to hut the great hut to hut the great hut to hut the great hut to hut the great hut to hut the great hut to hut the great hut to hutthe great hut to hut

There she is! The Lakes of the Clouds Hut!

{And not a moment too soon.}

Also, Mount Washington straight ahead! Which I did not choose to climb, but much of our group {including Zan} did!

the great hut to hut

Relaxing in the hut was more my speed at that point of the day… :)

the great hut to hutthe great hut to hut the great hut to hut

There really are lakes in the clouds, in case you were wondering!

the great hut to hut

And they are stunning.

the great hut to hut

As is the view from the hut!

the great hut to hutthe great hut to hut the great hut to hut

Hiking is hard, but it’s also incredibly fantastic. I would not say the actual act of hiking is “a walk in the woods” for me, but everything I feel at the end of the day is worth all the hard miles and steep hills and sore knees. It feels so free to be on top of the world like this looking out at all the layers, feeling like you just accomplished something big. And my favorite part was always the hot chocolate waiting for me in the hut, and when I was finally able to climb into my jams and sit down with my people, and enjoy a good meal AND a sweet sunset, all after a summer day’s work.

on my weekend in pictures.

weekend in pictures weekend in pictures weekend in picturesweekend in pictures weekend in pictures weekend in picturesweekend in picturesweekend in picturesweekend in picturesweekend in picturesweekend in picturesweekend in picturesweekend in picturesweekend in pictures

It was one of those good weekends that was full in every way.  My parents came into town, which was the best best best— we spent Saturday strolling around Harvard Square, Saturday night at the Red Sox game (a win!), and Sunday walking our toes through the sand at Good Harbor Beach. September is still very much summer in my eyes and these few days proved it. Oh, I wanted it to last forever. I always do.

The weekend favorites:


Harvard Square: Daedalus + Shake Shack

Fenway: The Lower Depths {dollar hot dogs!}

Goucester, Ma: Sugar Mags {BEST}



Anthropologie {always!}

Harvard Book Store


America’s BEST Ballpark ;)

Good Harbor Beach

It was H O T on Saturday. We hopped from air conditioned store to air conditioned store looking at this that and everything. Mostly, we walked the stairs up and down at Anthro just eyeing all the goodies. That place! I can never get enough of it! In the late afternoon a storm rolled through, with dark skies and lightning, but luckily not much rain. We were still able to go to the Red Sox game and I loved it. I just kept thinking the whole time I was sitting there, THIS IS MY CITY! And I was proud. Then of course, Good Harbor Beach is always our choice for a beach day. It’s just the prettiest there. We spent the morning in the sun and the sand, and then came back in the afternoon and worked more on setting up our new place. Zan and I took a trip to Home Depot and Costco, before coming back to cook up a chili dinner for both our families.

Good and full in every single way.


this post was inspired by
my great friend Colleen.
Get your groove back
soon girl, ya hear? xo

all good things.

good things

So much good lately, I wanted to write it all down…

// I had honestly, the BEST August. I went to New York City, home to Syracuse + Skaneateles Lake, took part in an amazing blogger overnight in the Catskills in New York, spent a week in Cape Cod and a day in Martha’s Vineyard, and hiked 3 long glorious days in the White Mountains in New Hampshire. It may be September, but I feel like I’ll be riding high on my sweet summer for a good long while.

// We have been working like mad on our house these last few weeks and this past weekend we really hit a good stride and got SO MUCH DONE! Projects include: setting up our two porches (check), getting rid of old clutter + furniture we don’t use or have space for anymore (check, check), painting white— the trim in our bedroom, the kitchen cabinets, a few book shelves, an old wooden ladder (check, check, check, check), setting up the turn table (CHECK!), and I also went to town spray painting a new to us filing cabinet GOLD this weekend. SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND. (Check.)

// We’re simplifying a lot with our new space and I’m feeling super good about it. The space itself is bigger, but the closet space is smaller, which means less room for all my junk/old clothes/papers and stuff that don’t matter NO MORE. I’m still a clutter-free work in progress, but I’m into it, and hopefully I’ll get there eventually.

// Gearing up for another Whole 30 in the coming weeks! Whoop! This time I really want to strive for long term commitment. It was going pretty well until our move in July, and then OUT THE WINDOW. Bagels for lunch. Pastries for breakfast. Once we get our kitchen fully set up though, I’m jumping back on the train. It just feels too good not to, you know?

// School has started and I am feeling GRAND about it. I spent a lot of time organizing my classroom and getting everything set up so my year can run smoothly. Plus the kids are so stinking cute. Summer be my jam. but this class is going to be a great one. Best ever, maybe? I can feel it.

// Speaking of home/school, they are now only 10 minutes away from each other! I don’t have to drive on any highways and traffic is a thing of the past. GLORY BE TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST AND PEACE TO HIS PEOPLE ON EARTH. If you know how much I hate commuting, then you understand that this is H-UGE.

// My parents are coming this weekend! And we are heading to a Red Sox game on Saturday, my first in a few years! (I can deal with the heat, but fingers crossed the rain stays away.)

// Lastly (for now!), my friend Jolie (from Brim Papery!) and I are collaborating together to create a 2015 calendar! My photos + her amazing lettering + beautiful inspiring words. We are giddy giddy at the thought of it! The both of us! I’ll be sure to keep you updated on the release date, but it’s Jolie that’ll be selling them in her shop so you’ll want to follow along for the latest and greatest news on that front. Plus, and I mean this in the BEST way (because you know I love you, Jolie!), she’s the WORST at keeping secrets and will prob show off all the months before it’s released. HA! So give a follow and purchase one come October! YAY!!!

… A pretty good happy list for a Wednesday, I think. What’s new and good for you?!? XO

hello, how are you?

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

Was it just last weekend that my beloved summer was still here? My official summer at least, seems to have come and gone out of nowhere– here one minute and practically up and disappeared the next! I did most everything that my heart set out to do. So much sweet I can still taste it, just a bit, on the tip of my tongue, but it’s fading fast and I’m trying to find the heart to let my hold on it go. Fall is not my favorite, but as it creeps in I’ll try my best to embrace it. There is beauty in every season, after all.

And also!

School is here! Or practically, anyway. I’ve spent this ENTIRE week in my classroom from sun up to sun down, doing this, putting away that. Crayons, and pencils, and BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS. I get so into what I’m doing while I’m in my little room that I hardly ever even stop to take a sip of water let alone glance at my phone. It’s been glorious, really. Life without instagram exists! Who knew?!

Only there was this one point today where I did remember OH RIGHT, I have a blog! And so much to say! And suddenly, just as quick as summer begins and ends, I felt the need to write something down— to start telling my story again and the places I’ve lived and loved along the way.

So here’s a hello and how are you?

I hope your summer’s been well and that things on your end are fine.

I’ve been busy (oh so busy!), but I’m here now, and I’m glad for it.


Photo taken by my sister in Martha’s Vineyard
A place I’ll tell you more about soon! XO