this is new york city.

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At this point, a memory, but one I’d like to remember all the same…


September, 2013 // 24 hours in New York City:

I arrive by train and stare in awe {for the one millionth time} at Grand Central Station. It never, ever gets old. After a quick mani/pedi that I’ve been DREAMING about all week {that is, in fact, as good as my dreams} I stroll through the crowded streets and then hop in a cab to the West Village. It’s my 3rd of 4th time there and I feel like I want to stay forever. I pop around for a bit, soaking in the quaintness and eventually find myself walking through Washington Square Park — quite by accident, actually. I feel like I’ve found a special place. I listen to some street performers, do a bit of people watching, and just enjoy some time just sitting in the sun.

I take lots of instagrams and lots and lots of Nikon photos. {No one here is surprised.}

I hop in a cab and head to the Brooklyn Bridge. I loooooove the Brooklyn Bridge. I take some more photos, take some more ‘grams. I walk over the East River, and then through the streets of Dumbo. I specifically want to find Jane’s Carousel and Brooklyn Bridge Park and when I get there, I do a dance— what. a. treat!

The sun sets, then my phone dies {too much instagram. oh!oh!}, so I roam the streets of Brooklyn by night. After quite the walk, I find Rebecca in her lovely Park Slope apartment and we embrace in a hug. We get grilled cheese, chat about life past and present, and then have a sleepover like the good old days. Making time to see best friends makes me the happiest.

The next morning I wake up, take a little walk through the BK, grab a baked oatmeal and a Grumpy’s coffee and eventually set out again for Manhattan from the 7th Ave Station. I meet up with Colleen {and Brian!} and Laura {and Michael!} for a great brunch on the Upper East Side. Getting together with bloggers in real life is still so strange / fun / awesome. Every time I have the best time. After brunch, Laura, Michael, and I take the nicest walk through Central Park. It is such a beautiful day— sun shining, warm air, and really, honestly, a perfect September weekend.

Outside the Park, I hug Laura goodbye {until next time!}, then make a stop at the Strand Book kiosk and buy a new tote bag.  I head up 5th Avenue to Rockefeller Center before hopping in a cab back to Grand Central. I board a train back to Greenwich, sit back, relax, look through my photos. I think about past 24 hours with a smile on my face and give a silent cheer for another fabulous weekend in my favorite New York City. ♥


Happy Wedding Weekend, Colleen!
You’re going to be the P R E T T I E S T.

rifrullo cafe, “a place that’s happening”

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There is a little cafe on the corner of Boylston and Cypress Street that is so inviting when you pass it by that it whispers your name like new found secret— and a new found secret it is. On Tuesdays sometimes I drive out to Jamaica Plain to watch a family of kids that I’ve known for years. The drive is a familiar one, through Chestnut Hill and Brookline, and just recently I spotted this perfect little cafe, with its white brick walls and well thought out floor-plan calling me into its charm, inviting me in for a stay. I knew that I had to finally see it for myself once I saw this post, and so a few weeks ago I went. I walked in the doors one Tuesday evening to the most delightful, simple space. I took a few photos, got a dinner to go, and have been thinking about it ever since.

The place is Rifrullo, and it is the loveliest. Real food, hearty goodness, delicious.

Last night I went again, and this time I stayed for a long time. I picked out some treats, then soaked in the cozy light and read my book for awhile— a cookie and hot chocolate for the win.


a cape cod weekend.

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This past weekend Zan and I drove out to the Cape with some close friends to enjoy a few days away of fun and relaxation. Our time there was pretty simple– home cooked meals, beer + wine, and a fireplace {my HEAVEN}. We ate clam chowder and loaded nachos for lunch, and made time for a shopping run to a favorite local gift shop {if you’re ever near Orleans you must come here}. There was music in the kitchen and football on the TV, and chili out of mugs, and cornbread from a box. Late at night there were rounds of Balderdash and in the morning there were cups and cups {and cups} of coffee with bagels and eggs and bacon. All with the most perfect view of Little Pleasant Bay.

The thing about these kinds of weekends is that they don’t happen nearly enough. It’s nice to be around home and yes, of course, it’s fun to travel— but traveling with friends to a weekend away spent lounging around in leggings and sweatshirts and cozy scarves? Well, these are the kind of weekends we need more of in our lives.

It was so low key, I loved every minute of it— and already wishing and wondering— when can we go back?! 

an afternoon in southie // #foxholepopup

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What a great time I had at the Fox Hole Pop-Up on Saturday!

This event was put on by a few of my favorite Boston creatives AND favorite instagrammers. Yes, yes!— I met these girls through social media– a trend that’s hardly a novelty anymore these days, but one that still kind of blows my mind sometimes.

Meet {and follow!} Lauren, Krissy, and Cambria Grace. All the nicest, honestly. : )

“The Fox Hole” is actually the nickname for where Lauren and her husband live in South Boston. Lauren runs an event planning business, Krissy is the florist behind Boston Pollen, and Cambria is one stellar photographer. Together they make the most amazing team and have put together some really awesome events {see their last one, the Flower Potluck, HERE}. This pop-up was such a fun idea for the season– fall drinks, vintage treasures, decorated pumpkins, gorgeous floral arrangements. And! Boozy coffee and cider to boot. Love me some warm spiked beverages. Absolutely delicious.

I’m so glad I came out for this and so glad to have met these ladies in Boston. Makes the city feel a little bit smaller, and definitely a lot more fun.

Can’t wait for the next event— to which I say, SIGN. ME. UP.


Other Boston creatives behind the event:
Flask & Funnel + Workshop + Pop & Circumstance