dress up.

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One of my favorite parts about this summer was the many weddings we attended. We went to the wedding of two of my friends {one high school, one college}, Zan’s cousin, and then my cousin, totaling four, which seemed like a lot to us, but turns out to be pretty low compared to other people I’ve met along the way. One friend of mine went to 12 weddings one year. CAN YOU IMAGINE! How does one even have that many friends?!

All of our weddings were on the East Coast, and all were in driving distance— the farthest being Maryland, which was definitely a hike, but also pretty lucky that we didn’t have to fly anywhere. I didn’t love the constant driving, as driving is my nemesis, but I did love the celebrating. And also, of course, the dressing up. OH, YES. The dressing up!

The best part of this year’s bout of weddings was that I wasn’t in a single one. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve loved my experiences as a bridesmaid, but there is just something to say for not having to spend all that money {showers! bachelorettes!} and especially for the freedom of wearing your own dress. This year I recycled a couple of my own dresses from years past, and the one above is my most favorite of all.


Also, doesn’t Zan look handsome?
I found that tie at the thrift store in Greenwich– for $6!

the first day.

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The first day I got my new lens I went around my home photographing everything in my path: dried holly berries from last winter, books on my night stand, Zan after his run. These were only meant to be practice photos, ones that would take root in my library, never finding their way to the light, but as I took a closer look I found something beautiful about the simplicity of them, the bits-and-pieces feel, and so I decided to share.


As I was writing in a title for this post, I realized that today is also the first day of September— how fitting. I still plan on embracing summer until the very last day, but something about September shifts my mind slightly to thoughts of fall and as much as I try to stop it, the shifting happens on its own, without a regard to what I want or wish for– which is a forever summer, of course. Good thing I have enough photos to last until forever— currently tackling my August stash, which seems to hold ONE MILLION and one reminders of why summer is my favorite.

back-to-school // a teaching list.


Things to remember:

Get to work early, don’t stay too late.

Teach kindness first, subjects second.

Stay on top of the papers before the stack gets too high.

Drink lots of water {you always forget}.

Read all the chapter books {and picture books, too}.

Work hard, have fun.

Show love.

Be you.


Today I started my new teaching job. This year, I’ll be working in a brand new district, in a brand new grade {2nd!} and I am THE MOST excited {and anxious, too}. I had my new teacher orientation today and I kind of feel like I won the lottery. The value and respect for education in this community is extraordinary and I feel incredibly lucky to get to be a part of it. I’m proud of myself for getting here and honored and humbled to be able to be doing what I {with all my heart} LOVE TO DO.

Turning the page to a new and exciting chapter… the kids come next Tuesday and I can’t wait.


{a favorite post about teaching here.}

{printable poster found here.}

{more} summer snapshots.

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Just popping in to say hello! It’s been quite the eventful August so far and there is nothing to do about it but be thankful. The end of the summer has always been the busiest for me, and this one proves no different. I’m in the midst of this adoration of summer, but the teacher in me is starting to get the itch. It’s one part pre-nostalgic and one part nervously excited.

I LOVE summer {the most}, but gosh darnit, I love a new school year, too.

Oh, life!

I read this quote from Bonnie Tsang on instagram this morning that made me smile… “First blessing, woke up to a 5am alarm clock. Second blessing, got off the bed for a life worth attending. Third blessing, THIS {in which she posted a glorious picture of the sunrise}.” I loved it and felt like I could connect instantly, especially now in this time of adventure and freedom. I feel especially blessed this summer with all I have done {and still have yet to do}! I want to tuck these moments away into my blankets for a reminder when days are short and the winds start to get cold. Luckily, I have this blog to look back on, and next summer to look forward to, and hopefully lots of happenings in the in-between… may life’s adventures always be aplenty. I wish this for me, but I also most sincerely wish this for all of you! ♥


I finished up my summer gig in Charlestown last Friday and Zanner and I headed straight to the thruway for the long drive to Syracuse. We spent the weekend dancing at my cousin’s wedding {the last of the bunch!}, spending time with family, and thoroughly enjoying the Skaneateles water. There really is nothing better than home. Zan had to drive back for work Monday, but I’ve been enjoying Syracuse/Skan-town to the nines {my sister’s here, too!} and we even took a mid-week trip up to Lake Placid, New York, which, if you know me, is a major favorite— and absolutely a place worth visiting if you’ve never been!

I’ll be back next week with some Nikon photos to share {I’ve been doing a little practicing with my new lens, which is, in a word, DELICIOUS}.

Have a happy weekend! And LONG LIVE SUMMER!


{Elizabeth! I’m so glad you love
Joy Prouty’s instagram
as much as I do!
Such a treat, right?}

Some more of my favorite
instagrammers to follow:

Mary | Lauren | Sean | Jenn