happy is the day.

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Happy is the day when your pictures blast color again. The entire time I was editing these photos this afternoon I just kept smiling and thinking, spring looks good on this blog. Oh, definitely YES. Weekends have been pretty swell around here lately, too, if I do say so myself. We’re getting out and about on our bikes, wearing less layers, and basically just all around loving hard on this season. I can’t believe how gorgeous everything is right now. Have I never noticed this before or has it just never been this pretty? Whatever the reason, I am thankful for it. Spring looks pretty darn good on Boston, too.

Sunday was our first visit to SOWA, the Bean’s best open market. I love how much variety there is here– food trucks, handmade goods, vintage wonders, and a farmer’s market, too! I feel like every year it just keeps getting better. This week we got a chickpea fritter from Clover to share, and an order of their rosemary fries. Wow. I had heard Clover was good, but is it ever GOOD. They really nail it.

Our afternoon was filled riding through the streets here and there and everywhere. From the South End we headed towards downtown to enjoy a music concert at the Tremont Temple, and then we biked along the river on our way to a family party in Central Square. I can’t tell you how thrilled I was to be outside enjoying this city. And on my bike no less.

Joyful days are here again.

ten things that are making me happy.

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So a lot of my internet lovers {aka blog friends} have been seriously BUSY in the blogging department doing this “Blog Every Day in May” gig. My thoughts on this are simple: I FREAKING LOVE IT. My only regret is that I am not partaking in the action. I can’t decide if I would soar to new blogging heights or be boggled down by the pressure of it all. I guess we will never really know how I would fare with the challenge, but what I do know is that many many people out there in this blogging abiss are rocking it.

It is here and now that I will borrow this idea to write my own happy list… just because!


1. Reading intermediate fiction, which is basically teacher talk for KID NOVELS.

Books I’ve read and loved lately:


The One and Only Ivan

The Tiger Rising

I also read Tuck Everlasting, and liked it but didn’t LOOOVE it.

Kid novels are almost always terrific… life changing, even. There is so much real and true in these books I hope you all put them on your to-read list someday.

2.THIS MAXI SKIRT {in Navy and B+W Striped} with THIS DENIM JACKET.

Do you guys think wearing those to work 3-4 times a week is socially acceptable? And on weekends, too? Because they are SO soft and cozy and I just can’t even help myself.

And the denim jacket? Thanks to Madeline I bought one that was affordable and adorable {thanks, lady!}.

3. Sarah’s twitter feed. She just makes me smile and I want to be her friend.

4. Little City Radio. So good!

I’d found the link through one of Kate’s posts, raved about it to Bridget, who in turn told me it’s actually Kate and a friend who put it together. Love that. Delicious music, I tell ya. Good stuff.

5. A Beautiful Mess’ new iphone app. It’s just fun, guys. REALLY FUN.

6. Spring in Boston. Has it always been this glorious? Because this year is especially so.

7. This month’s Boston Magazine cover. And the stories that are inside. Heart-wrenching accounts from runners of the 117th Boston Marathon. Read my friend Alex’s story here. And buy a print of the cover here. It’s sad, but also beautiful, and what’s making me happy is how Boston has bounced back to be an even stronger version of the place we all adore.

8. This blog. And this one. And this one and this one, too.

9. Watching my struggling first graders become readers. Every year I’ve had those kids– those few that just aren’t getting it. I’ve worked really hard with this group this year {alway do!} and I’m seeing progress that makes me want to cheer. And actually, the other day, I did. I cheered and said “YEAH, YOU! You little readers, YOU!” and gave them all high fives and I could see it in their faces that they were proud. And I was proud, too.

10. 26 more days til summer. Ya hear??! <—— THAT is the best of the best of all the things that are making me happy. Yeeeah!

What’s the best of the best of all the things for you?

a sunday of love and lilacs.


Just on the edge of the city of Boston there is a really hip little neighborhood called Jamaica Plain. In it there are beautiful old houses, delicious restaurants, and a little spot of land known as the Arnold Arboretum. In this spot of land, which is actually quite grand, there is a pocket of lilac trees that grow and bloom each year.

People come from all over the city {and likely from beyond} to celebrate and enjoy the trees.

This year was my first ever Lilac Sunday, and I liked it so much I think I may just have to make it a tradition…

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This day was made for loving lilacs, which is not hard to do.

We walked through the trees together in the light and warmth of the day. We oooed and aahhed at the VERY visible pollen floating through the air. It was amazing and also incredibly unbelievable + terrifying for an allergy sufferer such as myself {luckily, my meds did their thing! No runny eyes for me!}. And then we went to enjoy lunch at City Feed and Supply. Which I recommend to all. {And desperately wish was closer to where I live.}


denver {the last day}


AT LONG LAST we are on the last day. Disappointing, I know, but just isn’t it the way of the world. Thankfully, I feel like my time spent in Colorado was the perfect amount. Not too long, not too short, only juuuust right. On that last day we woke up early once again and spent the morning drinking coffee together in Beth’s apartment. Those early mornings are some of the best memories I’ve got from the trip. Lazy in pj’s, sipping our cups over conversation while the bright Denver sunlight shone strong.

Beth has the most AMAZING apartment, and I’m glad to show it off here today:


Beth’s an architect, so I didn’t expect anything less from her in terms of style and design. Lady knows what’s up. Beautiful, simple living— I absolutely adore her space!

On Monday {the last day} the girls and I really only had the morning together because Bailey had to catch a flight and Beth had to work, so we decided a delicious breakfast would suffice for our last hurrah. We walked on over to JELLY, which, if we’re talking names alone, was amazing. Jelly {the jam} is one of favorite parts of life, so it was nice to find that Jelly {the cafe} was just as sweet.

I loved my eggs benedict {staple bfast dish!} and the little mini donut holes we ordered for the table were super fun and tasty. Also, the decor. {You know how I feel about a good interior.}denver day 4-4photo-4

And then, just as quickly as we’d come together, it was time to say goodbye. It was hard to be leaving each other after the most perfect vacation ever, but just knowing these friends are mine for life makes the parting less weary. Knowing that nothing has changed even though A LOT has changed is the most comforting thing I know, and having sisters around the country sure makes me feel like the luckiest.

Until next time, B + B! I’ll love you girls until forever and a day— you are home to me!


Since my flight wasn’t until the evening, I got a chance to do a little solo touring the last afternoon of my trip. I picked up a Denver B-cycle {a bike sharing program similar to our Boston Hubway bikes} and rode around town until the hour I had to leave. I biked that city from end to end and stopped often to soak in the buildings and culture even a little LITTLE MAN ICE CREAM. Chocolate malt melt-in-my-mouth. MMMmmmmMMMgood.

Snapped the sights because, because!
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After my ride around the city, I had time for a quick iced coffee + hot pretzel at the sweet and ever so hip Denver Bicycle Cafe, and then it was GOODBYE, DENVER! GOOD BYE, HEAVEN.

denver-day-4-9-3-farewell-friends denver-day-4-10-3-gbye-rockies! denver-day-4-27-thank-you-bethI’ll say it once more, I had a time. The best of the best of the best.

So cheers to Denver, and cheers to forever friends, and cheers to perfect memories.

I’ll be back Colorado! JUST YOU WAIT.