let’s go to harvard square.

Yesterday was our second day off because of Superstorm Sandy.

The first day I was bored out of my mind, and the second, which we spent in Harvard Square, was much MUCH better. I don’t know if you can tell this about me or not through this place that is the internets, but I am one of those people who cannot sit still. I am a mover and a shaker. So Monday, I almost didn’t make it through due to restlessness.

BUT I did. AND I’m here. And all is well.

In all seriousness, though, that storm was pretty terrible. PEOPLE OF NY! I’ve been thinking about you tons! And I love you all! Especially, ESPECIALLY you who are my friends. Thoughts and prayers, everyone. So many thoughts and prayers.

We were lucky through the storm and only had minor house shakes (due to wind) and only just the slightest flicker of power loss. Really, it was nothing much at all. We stayed inside all day Monday with our candles ready and our sugar supply high and by the end of the night the only thing dwindling was the mega bag of pumpkin reese’s I bought for the trick-or-treaters (whoops).

The pictures in this post are all from our Tuesday frolic in Harvard Square. Harvard Square is super close to where we live so we decided to head over there for the afternoon to spend a little time in Cambridge. We got burgers at Flat Patties, shopped at Black Ink and Anthropologie, treated ourselves to some Burdick’s, and even went (finally!) to the Harvard Museum of Natural History. It was incredibly impressive and is now added to my “Best of Boston” list (which I’ve never written down, but definitely carry around in my head). After our trip to the museum we ended up at… big surprise… Border Cafe. What can I say. Except it’s just OUR FAVORITE.

Were you affected at all by the storm? If so, I sincerely hope everything’s alright and that you’re safe. If you were in the path of Sandy did you have a “hurricane day”, too? How did you spend your days off?

(Fingers crossed you drank hot chocolate and ate Mexican.)

Also, what are your favorite spots in Harvard Square? Tell me your secrets!

Wishing you all well. Xo.

tea time!

This past Saturday I had the loveliest blogger adventure of all time. Or, at least, the loveliest adventure in my blogger existence. Natalie, Rachael and I finally went for afternoon tea at the Taj. I say finally because it’s been on the calendar since the beginning of September– and in the works since as far back as August!

The experience was really all around wonderful. It was such a special thing to do and I’m glad I had a chance to do it with such terrific women.

Here they are, my pretty blogger friends…

Having High Tea made me feel very fancy. Kind of like a grown-up Eloise.

Tea at the Taj takes place in the The French Room (so elegant!) overlooking Newbury Street. You can choose from just tea and pastries, or tea, pastries, and finger sandwiches, too. We went with the latter, because, well, why ever not? It’s not every day you have afternoon tea at the Taj. We all agreed that once in awhile it’s important to live a little.

The pastries were delicious! As was the tea (we chose vanilla earl grey). I ate and drank so much that I thought I might burst, but it was all absolutely worth it.

So much about this adventure was worth telling about.

There was the tea.

And the food.

And the violin player.

And the atmosphere and decor.

But my favorite was the company and the conversation. I love when I can find friends that I’m comfortable with, friends who I find interesting and who take an interest in me, and friends who share commonalities. That’s what starts a friendship though, isn’t it? We are all book (and blog) lovers, keepers of childhood memories, and Boston enthusiasts. We are all appreciators of the details and I’m so happy for our time spent together.

Doesn’t it look magical?

IT IS. I promise!


Have you ever been to High Tea at the Taj?

Do you have a birthday, or a special occasion? Want an excuse to get together with friends? Or just feel like being fancy? Whether you live in Boston or are just visiting, you should put this on your must-do list.

I’m SO glad I did.

photos + a post from a week in october.

Last night, around 8 PM or so, I had a full on dance sesh to Simon and Garfunkel’s Concert in Central Park. Zanner was cooking dinner (butternut squash soup!), and his brother was over hanging out, and little Rue puppy was spending the night with us, and we were listening to the record player, and “Late in the Evening” came on, and my body just started moving. I mean, seriously dancing. Like, the dance like no one’s watching kind of dancing.

MAGIC, people.

No one was watching, of course, which made it all the more amazing. Zan and Erik were oblivious in the kitchen and there I was, just busting out my moves and grooving to the beat. I wish there was a video to show. I was on fire. There is hardly anything better in this life than an unexpected dance session in the comfort of your own home.

You should really try it sometime.

And that song? Oh, it is SO.GOOD. Perfect for dancing to in sweatpants and a high pony. If you’re into that sort of thing.


These pictures are from last Sunday. I walked around a lot in my new boots (that red brick line is the good ‘ol Freedom Trail) and enjoyed the sunshine and the warmish (for October) air. I basically just felt like yelling out the whole time, THIS CITY! This beautiful, wonderous, beyond gorgeous city!!

Holy heavens, my heart.

Happy, HAPPY weekend to you. All of you!


if you were a first grader in my classroom…

If you were a first grader in my classroom you would be excited to come to school everyday.

You would get your very own desk and your very own weekly job and your very own box filled with books that are just right for you.

If you were a first grader in my classroom you would learn to read.

You would learn to make words and sentences and you would learn that stories are a way to worlds near and far. You would read a lot and in meaningful ways. You would read independently and you would read to your friends and you would read to me, your fun-loving, book-loving teacher. You would learn to read and you would discover that you love it.

If you were a first grader in my classroom you would become a writer.

You would write about your life and the little bits and pieces that make it important and the days that are fun and the times you were scared and the moments you were happy and excited and sad. You would write about the small moments of your six big years of life and you would celebrate your writing and you would be proud.

If you were a first grader in my classroom you would become stronger in math.

You would learn the way addition and subtraction work. You would learn about shapes. You would learn about money and you would learn about time. You would play a lot of number games and you would win some and you would lose some. And you would say that math is fun.

If you were a first grader in my class you would have technology at your fingertips.

You would learn lessons from the Smart board and you would do work on the computer and you would listen to books on iPods and you would read and record stories and use apps on the iPad. You would feel excited and connected and motivated by a digital environment which is very much a part of our world today.

If you were a first grader in my classroom you would learn what it means to be a scientist.

You would learn about living things and keeping fit and healthy and properties of the earth and all about the weather and seasons. You would plant seeds in soil and take a field trip to the Aquarium. You would learn to collect and discover and record and observe and ask questions and to never stop wondering.

If you were a first grader in my classroom you would think that learning is exciting.

You would know that your opinion matters.

You would believe that you are smart.

If you were a first grader in my classroom you would learn responsibility.

You would know how to problem solve and use strategies.

And you would understand that books are magic.

If you were a first grader in my classroom you would learn to be a kind and empathetic friend.

You would laugh a lot.

And have dance parties and be silly.

But you would also feel safe.

And accepted.

And important.

And most of all,

you would be loved.