loving on the lake.

9. Swim in Skaneateles Lake.

“Skaneateles waters shining

Under skies so bluuuuu-uue

And the white clouds’ silver lining

Paints our colors true.”

Days on Skaneateles Lake could easily be classified as some of the best days of my life.

Hands down.

Every time.

A lot of the time I wish I didn’t live so far, but mostly I’m just thankful to be able to visit.


From the clearest, cleanest water,

to the gorgeous scenery,

from rides on the party boat…

to breezy afternoons on the hammock,

and best of all, for the family that frequent there,

this place holds a special spot in my heart,

and I’m incredibly happy it’s home. ♥♥

memories from connecticut.

Visiting places that remind me of my childhood is my favorite. It’s almost like going back in time, to experience the sights and sounds that you remember like it was yesterday. We used to go to Island Beach in Greenwich every summer when I was small. It’s the most unlikely place, a tiny little piece of land on Long Island Sound, but it holds some of the happiest times of my youth.

I have the fondest memories of that beach. We used to take the ferry over to the island, have a picnic and spend time in the sand, soaking our feet in the ocean and playing in the water until it was time to catch the boat home.

I still visit Greenwich every summer, though it’s very rare that we take the ferry over to the old little island anymore. We’re busy with this and we’re busy with that, and trips are often short, and Island Beach often gets overlooked most visits. But this summer, we did take the ferry on that short, breezy ride to Island Beach and I was full of nostalgia the whole entire time.

Meet my Grammy. She’s 86 and I love her to the moon…

She’s a special one, that Grammy Jean. With a sharp wit and a soul full of goodness. I’m thankful every day that she’s mine.

This day was especially special too, because we took baby Hope along for the experience. Hope is my cousin Haley’s daughter and my grandmother’s first great grandchild. It went full circle on this trip to Island Beach and I’m glad I have the pictures for the keeping…

If there’s one thing better than summer, it’s summer with a little nostalgia mixed in.

I love a good memory, don’t you?

road trip!

Friends! I’m back again! I’m back at school and settling in nicely, and I think it’s safe to say I’m finally ready to get back into the blogging groove. Sad but true, I blogged 3 times in August.


The truth of the matter is that I was whole heartedly loving on summer, and between traveling and collecting freckles, I just couldn’t juggle it all. When I thought about writing a blog post I became completely overwhelmed by the amount of pictures I’d taken/wanted to edit/wanted to share, so instead of stressing out, I just bailed on blogging.

How does one tackle over two thousand pictures without giving a thought to calling it quits?

Girl went a little crazy on the photo front.

But I love this strange and awesome world of blogs, so this past weekend, between bike rides through Boston and back to school shopping, I racked my blogger brain and came up with an idea: I’m going to take you on a road trip. We’ll visit all the places I went this past August {see above!} and by the end we’ll be filled with summer dreams and memories of sandy beaches to last us the whole year through.

And I promise to do it in under 150 photos. Maybe less. IF you’re lucky.

I’m excited. It’s good to be back.

instagram summer.

SIGH. what. a. month.

What a summer.

I was here and there and everywhere and and reading my books in between.

There’s this thing about summer that makes me so at peace. I’m not sure if it’s the long days, or the heat of the sunshine, but something about it gives me this carefree feeling that I just can’t quit. And who would want to, honestly? Not me. Not ever.

I think the winning fact about the goodness of summer is that every day is a weekend day from mid June to the end of August. Two and a half months of weekend is everything to write home about.

I have enjoyed this summer, and especially this last month more than words can say. We ate lobsters tonight, the very last of the season for us, and while he was eating, Zan just closed his eyes and said aloud, “remember this. remember this.”

In the breeze of the fall, and the cold of the winter, and even into the beauty of spring, I will remember this. I will remember this summer for always.

Because how could I forget it?