i scream, you scream.

11. Make homemade ice cream.

I made these ice creams and I am guest posting about it today (with more pictures! and with the recipes!) over at my friend Melanie’s blog The Sweet Life.

You are probably going to want to check it out and then HOPEFULLY you will make some of your own.

(I PROMISE your taste buds will thank you.)


our backyard summer BBQ.

13. Have a BBQ. Send invitations.

WE DID IT. We had a backyard BBQ and it was a complete success. High fives!

This is something I’ve been wanting to do since I discovered the potential of our backyard. I didn’t think too much of what we had back there in the fall, but once the spring time rolled around and the Pinterest fanatic in me started discovering the beauty of the outdoor oasis, I knew I had to make something of ours.

I sent out invites about a week and a half before we wanted to have the party, pretty sure that not a lot of people would be able to make it. I mean, it is summer after all. People have weddings to go to, things to do, people to see. I know how it is. But 35 people came + a baby! I could hardly believe it when the yeses started rolling in. WHAT?! Who knew we had this many friends! I was excited, but also started getting a little nervous, too. What if our yard couldn’t hold that many people? What if the neighbors got annoyed? Plus, I’d never really thrown a party like this before. WHAT if I didn’t have the magic touch?

Well, the party was better than awesome and, really, the night could not have been more perfect. Zan’s brother set up the iPhone to play “The Shins” radio on Pandora, which felt just right for this kind of party. The weather was amazing (it was cool and pleasant, with the most beautiful sunset), there was just the right amount of food, plenty of drinks (and then some), and having everyone there and having fun was just fantastic.

It was just the best time and I loved every single minute of it.

Here are some of the pictures from the night:

It was a good, good time, I could not be more sure of it.

Let’s do it again?! We’ve got plenty of leftover beer and the oasis is staying up throughout the rest of the summer. Feel free to come on over if you’re around! We’d be happy to hang out some more and cook up some food. We’re pros at this now, after all.


THANK YOU to everyone who came out to celebrate summer! One for the memory books— so thanks for being a part of it!

a post full of happy.


Oh, this day in Boston.

It was just happy. It was the kind of day that makes you stop and think, I wish everybody could be seeing what I’m seeing right now. Then the whole world would be smiling.

This part of Boston is nestled right between Back Bay and the South End. By the Christian Science Church there is a wonderful little fountain with a glorious view. It’s straight up picture perfect.

My sister Meg is working for a family in Boston this summer, too, and so very often we get the girls together. It’s fun for the kids to have play dates and Meg and I would happily spend the whole day hanging out if we could. It was one of those scorchers last week (which one wasn’t, right?!) and rather than shrivel up from the heat we made the last minute decision to head to the fountain together to cool off.

These faces??!

I think that they are priceless.

It is in these moments that I am thankful to be a picture-taker. I take pictures because it makes me happy and I take pictures to capture this city, these warm summer days, the happiness that is singing from these girls’ hearts.


P.S. Tonight is the night of our backyard summer BBQ. It’s really happening and I am so excited! Then Saturday I am heading down to Connecticut to spend the weekend and some of next week with my family. Lots of book reading and relaxing, which is just what I’m in the mood for. I’m throwing a mini trip to NYC in there, too, because why not? I love that place!

What are you up to this weekend? Whatever you do, I wish you a happy one!


I live in a town right outside of Boston and tonight there was a CRAAAAAZY storm.

Craziest storm of my LIFE besides the Syracuse Labor Day Storm of 1998.

It was likely a microburst (very similar to a tornado)!

I missed being caught outside in it by mere minutes and I feel so lucky to have made it home in time.

I didn’t even get a chance to shut all my windows before the rain literally started coming in through the windows sideways. There was water all over the floor in the dining room and in our front sunroom, too. To look out the windows it seemed as if you were going through a car wash. Not only were the windows completely drenched in what seemed like BUCKETS of water being poured down all at once, the wind was blowing so hard they were rattling up a storm. And the ceiling started dripping water!

All of that seriously happened in under 2 mintues.

That’s it.

About 2 minutes and this is the damage to my neighborhood…

That last picture is Mass Ave, the main road in my town. It’s four lanes across and there were fallen trees blocking almost the entire width.


I am SO thankful that our house had no tree damage and our cars and power lines are safe, too. But I’d say we were one of the few lucky ones.

In talking to the neighbors it seems that everyone is safe and no one got hurt.

Zan was driving home from work when this happened (there was only rain where he was) and Meg was in Boston babysitting late. I was alone and scared, and pretty much freaking out during the whole two minutes (which felt more like 10), but more than anything am just happy to be safe and dry, now.

Just so thankful to be SAFE!