a visit to Studio Carta.

Studio CartaStudio CartaStudio CartaStudio CartaStudio CartaStudio Carta

The weekend before we left for our vacation I was lucky enough to spend the afternoon visiting Studio CartaAngela Liguori’s amazing ribbon and stationary studio in Brookline. My friend Rachael introduced me to her work a few years ago and I have been a huge fan ever since. Once or twice a year she opens up her studio doors and hosts a day long pop-up shop of sorts, inviting other makers from in and around Boston to showcase their work as well. This was my second time going to one of her open studio days and I absolutely love them. Angela’s husband is always there serving espresso and it’s a perfect delight to talk to Angela and meet the other small business owners sharing her space for the day. I always pick up a letterpress card or two {this time from Of Note Stationers which I LOVE} and also always some ribbons. The ribbons I purchased this visit I hope to incorporate into one of my next weavings. I think they’ll add such a unique touch!

Studio Carta ABOUT//

Follow Angela Liguori on instagram for more special events like this one. You can also contact her to visit her store by appointment. Her posts on social media are the best way to stay alert to when she’ll open her doors next!


hooray, LA !

LAlas vegasjoshua treeLAjoshua treeLA

I am getting so excited… we are heading to California (and Nevada!) next weekend! We have plans to stay at Zan’s sister’s house in Orange County the first weekend we’re there. We’ll hopefully go to Newport Beach and spend some time with family. We are up for anything and everything they want to show us! At the beginning of the week, we’ll be driving out to Vegas — with plans to stop at Joshua Tree (and maybe Palm Springs?) and Valley of Fire State Park. We will be in Las Vegas on Tuesday because Zan has to spend the day there for work and I am going to visit the Neon Museum and hopefully get my fill of In-N-Out. YUM! I have been dreaming of this since forever. The last part of our week away will be spent in LA.  We are staying at the ACE hotel and I know there is a MILLION things to see but we are going to try to focus on exploring Venice and Downtown LA. And possibly Silverlake if we’re lucky! I have never been to this part of the West Coast before so I am just really excited to experience anything I can.

Do you have any tips for any of the places I mentioned? Favorite shops or food spots or areas that you think we’d like to see? I always love hearing what other people love. I have been scouring the internet and Pinterest nightly. One of my favorite ways to plan a trip away!


Here are some guides I’ve stumbled upon thus far:

LA City Guide

Travelogue Los Angeles : Part One and Part Two

Out and About in Venice

Explore Los Angeles

and for our trip to Vegas: Where the Vegas Locals Go


Hooray for April Vacation! Hooray, hooray!

inspiring photo credits:
VSCO grid 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
the daily dose image via sfgirlbybay

weaving the weekend away.

weave away

When the invite to my friend Jenna’s baby shower arrived in the mail a few weeks ago, I knew just what I was going to gift her. I went to Gather Here to pick out some yarn to match her invite and even ordered a new small lap loom to complete my project. Then, this past Saturday, I spent the day weaving away. I absolutely LOVE how this piece turned out. The colors are so lovely and soft and the pattern I designed is so fun and special. It’s the first weaving I’ve ever given away and my favorite one, too. Jenna cried when she opened the box and saw what was inside. I’m so glad she loved it!

I took lots of photos for the remembering…

weave away weave away weave away weave away weave awayweave away

Those roving zig-zag soumaks are full of GLORY! I can’t wait to make another.

Who wants one next?

the heart of Vermont.


Last week, at the tail end of my February vacation from school we packed up our ski gear and headed up to the great state of Vermont. Zan and I left town on Wednesday and got a full long weekend up in the Green Mountain State — with Pennylane too! Oh, Vermont. Red barns and covered bridges. Ski slopes and hot chocolate. And the greatest food! I love it all.

For the past 3 winters Zan has rented a house with his brother, my sister Meg’s boyfriend Tom, and some friends. Meg and I go up a few weekends here and there and this past weekend was my first visit of the year. This year’s house is magnificent, with a woodburning stove and the most wonderful built-in bookself filled living room. I could have read my book there all day! But skiing! There’s that too, of course! So much to do, and don’t we always try to do it all…


Wednesday night upon our arrival we immediately went to American Flatbread. We love it there! Nestled right on the property of Lareau Farm we love the classic Vermont Barn vibe and their pizza is delicious. They make it right in the main dining room and cook it up in the massive wood-fired oven right before your eyes. Too fun! There is also a great Bed and Breakfast on the property, The Lareau Inn that Zan and I have stayed in before. Look it up if you’re ever looking for a place to stay in the area. Cozy rooms and amazing breakfast. We have great memories of our time there.

Vermont!Vermont!Vermont!Vermont! Vermont! Vermont!

On Thursday we did a little bit of lounging and lot of time loving on Pennylane. We were so lucky to be able to bring her up to the house with us! We took a hike along the Mad River, went to lunch at the Mad Taco in Waitsfield {so many hot sauces, so so good!}, and did some shopping in the historic old town. I found the most amazing old school fleece at the thrift shop that I got entirely too excited about and purchased right away. So 80s. So classic! That night we made my mom’s Chicken Tetrazzini recipe and Meg and Tom made it up to the house just in time to enjoy dinner with us and a bottle of wine.


Friday was a day of sunny skiing. We skied at Sugarbush at Lincoln Peak. For the past two years I have bought a “Quad Pack”, which is a discounted set of 4 tickets they offer every year in the pre-season. It costs around $200 for 4 days of skiing, which is a really great deal considering the prices on day passes these days! There are also no black-out dates which means we can go any week day, weekend, or holiday that we want.


That night we headed up to Burlington to meet up with my college friend Julie and to have dinner and drinks at the Citizen’s Cider Brewery. The best part about the friendships I have made over the years is that I can always pick right up exactly where I left off. Such a comfort and always so much fun. ♥♥


Saturday was so foggy but so beautiful! We spent the day at Mount Ellen this time around which is another mountain/lodge at Sugarbush. My sister and I skied until lunch, then I did one more run before we headed home to keep Penny company for awhile in the afternoon. Apres ski, we met up with the rest of the crew at General Stark’s Pub at Mad River Glen. The Grift was playing which is one of Vermont’s favorite bands and I am just in love with the atmosphere at Mad River Glen. The whole place is straight out of the 80s. And you you know how I feel about the 80s. :)

Afterwards Zan and I picked up pizzas from The Bluestone to bring back to the house for dinner. Another great recommendation for food in the Mad River Valley! So many amazing choices it’s always hard to decide. Another spot that’s an all time favorite is The Hyde Away restaurant in Waitsfield. Farm to Table! I ♥ VERMONT.


We spent Sunday morning lounging around the house, eating quiche and coffee with chocolate milk and enjoying the last few hours in front of the wood burning stove before packing up again and heading home. We stopped at Worthy Burger for lunch on the drive back, which is a little bit out of the way but worth it for a worthy burger. ;) Oh my. I feel like this has turned out to be a ALL THE GOOD VERMONT EATS post! But there are just so many good spots! It’d be wrong not to mention them and as you can see nearly impossible not to make a stop at them all. Which is pretty much what we did!

And we will be back!

Tis the season, after all. ♥