
Do you ever just get a feeling that it’s going to be a good weekend? You know that feeling, right?

I have that feeling today. Like nothing can get me down.

I think it’s partially because this week is finally over, partially because of the sunshine, and partially because of this song I discovered:

It’s a good weekend song. I’ve been snapping my fingers and doing my nanner dance to it all week.

Love love love.

“Cause If she wanna rock she rocks, if she wanna roll she rolls… oh na na na na na na na na naaaaaa.”

Yeah, that’s a good happy song. Give it a listen!

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HOW precious is he??

I bought my tickets to Charlotte this week!

Little Luke will be just about 5 weeks when I meet him.


My heart is still bursting with joy for my friend. And this little guy just MELTS my heart.

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I am constantly in awe by all the amazing blogs out there in this world wide web. I keep finding new ones I love and people I connect with and I just can’t get enough. I recently found Nicole and The Neesby Lookbook and she’s hosting a girl party Monday to meet and greet with kindred spirits. Kindred spirits, you say? Sounds like my kind of party!

If you want to join to here’s a link to all the details!

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And in some final news, I stayed late last night at school because our Spring Open House is coming real soon and my perfectionism is coming into full swing. This is just something that I’ve accepted about myself and in the teaching sense, I’ve actually decided it’s a good thing. These parent events can be really stressful, but also really exciting because you get to show off all the awesome stuff your class is doing. And it’s worth it, you know?

Anyways, I came up with this ridiculous poem for Open House and I thought I’d share it here. The kids will be coming in with their parents and walking them around the room/showing their best work on display so I came up with this little ditty for fun:


Welcome to our 1st grade classroom where there’s so much to show and tell!

Use these clues to show your families the things you’ve learned so well!


The first stop is the place we meet to greet our friends each day.

We say “good morning”, give high fives, and POP! is a game we play.


The next stop is the board that tells the month and day of the year.

You record the days in school here too– are we far from the end or near?


Next show the box that is filled with books of stories that are “just-right” for you.

Explain the steps of the Daily 5 and show them word work too!


And just in case you want to show how good you are at math

Walk on over to the morning message board and help fill out our graph.


And science too! A table filled with things we’ve learned and done.

Check out your plants, there’s magnets too, and books about clouds and the sun.


There’s so much more! Our walls are filled! So take a look around.

Show off your hard work at your desk, your families should be proud!


BOOM. Well aren’t I just a real live Shel Silverstein. I worked a whole hour on it so I hope it’s a hit.

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HAPPY WEEKEND, my dear friends. For certain, I am wishing you the happiest.  ♥


i was a dancer.

I was a dancer once.

That print was in the studio where I danced and that painting, well besides it being absolutely gorgeous, is one of my favorites because it’s pretty much the exact outfit I always wore.

I used to fling my body through the air and through space, freeing myself up unto the heavens.

It is one of the best feelings in the world.

I was a dancer and I loved it.

I don’t dance much anymore and it’s sad, but sometimes, sometimes in the summertime I find myself dancing again on the beach. It’s usually when the sun’s about to set and the crowds have gone home. Through the sand I move and glide and jump and twirl. I put some music in my head and I just dance. I jump through the sunlight and the salty air and I feel that feeling that I felt such a long time ago.

I was a dancer and I miss it.

That’s the thing about growing up sometimes. You don’t do the things you used to love to do. You find new things to love, and new things you’re good at, but sometimes you have to leave those old things behind. Or they get left behind somehow as you grow older and you’re not quite sure how to get them back.

I dance on the beach and I dance on my glossy wood floors from time to time, spinning around and around, but I don’t really dance anymore. And I miss it.

I miss it.

signs of {almost} summer.

I’ve been Boston camera happy lately and I hope you don’t mind. Just yesterday I decided to head into the city after work to enjoy the sun and shoot some signs of the changing seasons. It was just one of those afternoons where you feel like you’ve got the whole world in front of you, and you’re looking straight at it and soaking it in for all it’s worth. As I walked along the Charles, I noticed a quote in a plaque right near one of the benches by the edge of the river. It said simply, “Life is like a bowl of cherries.” And I loved finding this because it’s true, life has it’s sweet days and life has it’s days with pits. I’m glad to report that yesterday was of the sweeter variety.

And, well, friends, if my memory serves me correctly, summer seemed to have come last week, right with the entrance of spring. And then this week, it seems to have left us, just as quickly as it came. But I know it only left for a little while. It’s coming with the budding flowers and blue skies. It’s coming in the longer days and gorgeous sunsets. It’s coming with busy weekends and spring cleaning– in the crisp cool mornings, in the busy afternoons, and in the anticipation and excitement of only 10 more weeks of school!

Spring is here and summer is coming.

It’s coming!

may the odds be ever in your favor…

{Print from Entropy Trading Co. via Etsy}

The Hunger Games, Movie Edition:

I looooooooved it.

(The book, of course, is in a class all by itself, so we won’t compare too much, only a little.)

Before I go into the details I would just like to say this: Katniss Everdeen ROCKS and I don’t think they could have found a more perfect person for the role. Throughout the whole entire movie I couldn’t help but think over and over in my head, Dang that girl is skilled!

So here I will go into my personal opinions about the movie itself. If you haven’t read the book/seen the film, and plan on it, stop reading now. Otherwise, let’s begin:

District 12:

I thought the beginning of the movie was absolutely perfect. District 12 was exactly as I imagined it. Exactly. I love the chemistry with Gale and Katniss and ultimately have always in my heart felt they were right for each other. Aaaanyways. I could go on all day discussing Gale, but for the sake of this (hopefully not too long) post, let’s move on.

The reaping was also perfectly aligned with the images I had in my head. I wish they had gone into more detail with the mockingjay, but I will forgive. It was all so tragic and powerful and that silent salute gave me all sorts of shivers.

“It means thanks, it means admiration, it means good-bye to someone you love.”

The Tributes:

I enjoyed most everything about this part of the movie. The train ride was well done, and the Opening Ceremony and the days in the training center were entertaining and well filmed. LOVED the “girl on fire”. SO cool. I do wish they had gone into some more detail here on Peeta and the back story between him and Katniss– it seemed like they could have gone deeper in my humble opinion, but again, I will forgive. I also thought they did a good job with the back story on the mining accident. I liked how they encorporated it into the movie just enough to satisfy.

And then of course, The 74th Hunger Games:

Brilliantly done. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. Either that, or I was curled up in a ball simultaneously covering my ears and squinting my eyes. I do this sometimes during action movies. It just happens.

The fights at the Cornucopia were CRAY-ZY.

The fireballs were wild.

The tracker jackers scene was perfect.

Loved little Rue and her lovely spirit and the mockingjay song. Saddest tear. Loved that part a lot.

I never really loved the cave scene in the book (remember: Team Gale, here) and I felt the same way about the cave scene in the movie. It was OKAY.

I thought the last fight at the Cornucopia was terrific, even though the creepy wolves should have definitely been mutations of the dead tributes (as was done in the book). I think it would have added just a little “umph” which I would have appreciated.

And the very end of the games with the night lock berries? LOVED.

Overall it was a HIGHLY decent adaptation of the book. Of course we all know the books are always better, no argument there, but I truly enjoyed myself during the movie and would recommend it to anyone who loved the Trilogy or just wants to see a very interesting, action packed story, about a bunch of teenagers who against their will are forced to fight to the death.

Would you be brave enough to change the game?

I sure as heck wouldn’t be.

But regardless, who wants to take up archery now?



Postscript: This post is officially brought to you by my 16 year-old self. You’re welcome!