{photo a day}: favorite

7. Favorite
{50 degree sunny Saturdays}
January 7, 2012

Today’s weather was amazing.

I walked outside to go grab some lunch and the air was so warm I thought I might be dreaming.

Confession: I don’t care if the snow never comes.

Me and snow just aren’t friends.

And me and cold have an even stronger opposition to each other.

So today was my favorite.

SUN and 50 degrees in January is my favorite.


{p.s. I think I might be living in the wrong state.}

{photo a day}: makes you smile

6. Makes you smile
{My first graders + Friday afternoon}
January 6, 2012


getting back into it.

Why is the first week back after vacation the hardest?

It must be because Christmas break is just so incredible. Nothing to do. Nowhere to go. Presents, cookies, and cakes galore. You know how it goes. Glorious.

Basically, life is perfect.

Life is perfect until the last day of vacation when you get this terrible feeling that your life is about to end. Why does that happen?

It’s silly, because I like my job. I actually have fun there.

But still, I couldn’t help but think to myself Monday night, “MY LIFE IS OVER. WAAAAAHHHH.”

So pathetic.

Then Tuesday came and BAM! I had no other choice but to get up to the ringing of my alarm and do it. Just get up and go, no looking back, no feeling sorry for yourself, just get back in the game and play.

And the week went by faster than lightning and all the sudden it’s over.

Life is back to the way it used to be and I’m okay with that.

I made it to the other side.


Plus, it’s the weekend.

Two days of bliss.

And I’ll take it.

{photo a day}: something you wore

5. Something you wore
{bracelet and necklace}
January 5, 2012