still here…

(images from Debi van Zyl)

On Wednesday of next week my 20 page paper will be handed in. I will finally be able to sleep again. And I will be done, done, and DONE with my Masters.


Adios for now….

6:30 on Wednesday can’t come soon enough. I’m going to TORO to celebrate! Yaaaahooooooooo.


Meg just subscribed to the NY Times Weekender.

This means I can now spend my weekend mornings sipping hot fresh brewed coffee, devouring articles in the Sunday Styles, Arts & Leisure, Travel, Week in Review, and the NY Times Magazine.
I feel so grown up.
So worldly.
So smart.
Can’t you just picture it? Me on my oversized chair, cool breeze coming through the window, reading the news. Weekend mornings have a whole new meaning now. Gloooorious.

Life Happenings

I apologize for being a little spotty with my blogging these past couple of weeks. For awhile I was going strong, getting the little things in love and life out to you daily. But these weeks have been hectic and again, I apologize! I’ve gotten many messages from you letting me know how much you appreciate my blog, how you visit often (which is my hope!), and enjoy my musings. So thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for reading! And thank you for letting me know you like my writing and my postings– it means A LOT to me!! ♥♥
A little life update: Right now I am in the midst of my reading specialist practicum, a requirement for my MA reading specialist license and part of my M.Ed. program. This basically means that I am highly skilled as a teacher :) and also, that I have paperwork coming out of my ears. Seriously. But also it means that I am in a school this summer, modeling lessons in a classroom, working one-on-one with struggling students and spending my days doing what I do best: Teaching! Gloooorious.
Another life update: Today I had an interview for a third grade teaching position in a really great school system. I did my very best and am happy with how things went. I was prepared, knowledgeable, and was myself! And now I have to wait and see if this job is meant for me.
You can cross your fingers for me if you want. Or say a prayer.
(Either will do just fine.)
Thanks for catching up on my life happenings. Hope you’re well and enjoying summer! Sure has been HOT! Gotta find ways to beat the heat.
XOXO, aeb.
(p.s. check out this etsy site for the awesome artwork above!)