proud yogi

Now that I’m done with all my school work, I can devote more of my nights to YOGA!

Feeeeeels sooooo good.

Power Yoga!

I have discovered an amazing workout this past week.

HOT yoga.

I decided to give this a try last Saturday, because my roommate Lauren had recently started doing yoga at a studio in Back Bay and had great things to say about the “practice”. I chose Baptiste Power Yoga in Brookline Village because it was close to my apartment, and also, because I did a little research and this place had good reviews and decent prices too. I have been 5 times this week and I am officially hooked. For the first week, I was able to go to all classes for free, which is sneaky of them because now I want to go all the time!

Baptiste Yoga is held in a 92-95 degree room so literally you sweat like you just went swimming. NO joke! It seems like it might be kind of gross, and maybe to some people it is, but after awhile I just forget about it and enjoy myself. This yoga is so calming, the room is dim and you are truly forced to focus on your breathing. I find it to be difficult, but in the best way possible. Strengthening and empowering, I love that I have discovered this place.

* I have not been to a class quite this crowded yet, but it’s possible to be this close to others if there are enough people!

Baptiste Power Yoga Institute

Power Vinyasa Yoga

25 Harvard Street. Brookline, MA. 02445.

2000 Massachusetts Avenue. Cambridge, MA. 02140.

Chestnut Hill Reservoir

This is a 15 minute walk from where I live. Beautiful isn’t it? Today Lauren, Zan and I went on a nice little Saturday morning stroll around the Chestnut Hill Reservoir. From my apartment it’s about an hour walk there and back– a nice workout. After my (attempted) run a few weeks ago I’ve decided I’m NOT the running type. I’m the walking type. And so this is the route I’ve been taking for the past week or so. The mornings are so sunny and there is a nice breeze when you walk around the water. I’ll be doing this walk all summer with my 1 lb weights in hand. Goal: tone arms and get fit. Beach time is almost here!

Do you live near the reservoir? Take a walk around it… it’s glorious this time of year!

RUN, Forest, RUN.

Yesterday was Marathon Monday– The Boston Marathon!!

Those runners are absolutely amazing. It’s so inspiring. Makes me want to be a runner.

Unfortunately, I am not really a runner. Never did like it much. But guess what? Tomorrow I am getting up early and going for a run. My legs just feel like they want to after seeing the marathon. I realize this is just another one of my crazy impulses, but whatever, a girl can pretend.

I’m going down the street, around the reservoir and back.
Wish me luck.