Miss you, Als!

I was just thinking this morning of how much fun it was to have Ali in the states just a few short weeks ago. Ali, one of my very best friends from college, moved to New Zealand after we graduated. That’s completely on the other side of the world. From Boston, that’s like a 19-hour plane ride or something. And it’s not non-stop.

It was a blast having her here for Han’s wedding.

Hopefully, (someday) I will get to go visit her in the land of the Kiwis.


Anyways, just thinking about how far she is makes me miss her today.

These pics are from one evening when we all got together for dinner at Ali’s house in Topsfield.


CafeTeria (Tres Chic!)

Last Sunday Mo, Katharine and I decided to get brunch together before Mo headed back to Rochester. We chose CafeTeria on Newbury Street and it was the perfect choice. A great bright and airy atmosphere and really delicious food. Simple, but with a touch of fancy.

I was too busy eating my chocolate chip buttermilk pancakes to take a picture of them, but trust me, this place is a winner.

Highly recommended!!

CafeTeria. 279a Newbury Street. Boston, MA 02116

fun weekend!!

What a fun time I had last weekend with some friends from HWS! Mo came into town from Rochester, and a bunch of ’07 ladies from William Smith were in the Bean for Octoberfest!

Mo is one of my very best friends from growing up. We met when I was 12 (Mo was 10) at a pool party and we’ve been having good times together ever since. We spent our younger years dancing together, had some funny times and lots of laughs through high school, and when Mo came to visit me my sophmore year in college she decided with ME was where she wanted to be. We spent 2 awesome years together at school and 15 years from the start of our friendship we are still going strong. Bosom buddies for life, right Mosie?

Mo has a great group of friends from Hobart and I have been lucky to have gotten to know them so well over the past few years. I always have a fun time when I hang out with this group and this weekend was no exception. Saturday was spent at Harpoon Brewery’s Octoberfest followed by a delicious dinner and out for drinks at Cafe 47. YUM. Thanks for including me in the fun girls… I had a blast!

Eliza was there!! My fellow blogging buddy!!

Katharine came out to meet us!

Love ya, MO! Come back again soon!!!!

Hannah and Todd! ♥♥♥

I am happy to report that my camera cord arrived in the mail this afternoon. This now means that I can post pictures about many different events that have occurred over the weeks since my old camera cord decided to go MIA on me. Yes, yes, many different events but MOST IMPORTANTLY….

Hannah and Todd’s WEDDING!!!!

What a celebration! What a ceremony!

This wedding was soooooo special. I truly believe it to be THE MOST touching wedding I have ever been to. I think in part it’s because Hannah and Todd have have such a history (10 years!), but mostly it’s just because Hannah and Todd are awesome people aaaand I simply just love their love.

Love it. Love it. Looove it.

Here are some of my favorite pics from the weekend in Maine…

The night of the rehearsal was super fun! We had drinks and dinner at a delicious restaurant in Yarmouth, ME. Also, this was the night of my birthday– and they surprised me with a cake!

The morning of the Big Day we went over to the site of the reception, which was held at a really cool old warehouse!! The room that the dinner and dancing took place in was so gorgeous, with exposed brick walls and windows looking out onto the harbor. Hannah did much of the planning herself, so the bridesmaids spent the morning putting all the details together and making the place look spectacular!

I love this picture from the night Todd proposed to Hannah!

Glad to have been there– it was glorious!

All set and ready to go!

Unfortunately I don’t have any pictures from the ceremony, because I was IN it, but it was so unique. SO personable and emotional. I had the happiest feeling inside the whole time.

There was a poem by e.e. cummings–

I carry your heart with me,

I carry it in my heart.

A heartfelt story about Hannah and Todd’s journey together.

And Hannah and Todd’s friend Maya played the piano, while another friend sang “You and Me” by the Dave Matthews Band (!).

They wrote their vows together and throughout the whole ceremony there were happy tears all around.

The ceremony was just SO “Hannah and Todd”. That’s the best way to describe it.

From the ceremony and pictures we headed to the party in style and the celebration began!… and a true celebration it was. Brickhouse girls were together again and the dancing and singing was out of control.

What a terrific day!

