Ellen’s on the cover of O!
LOVE: dakota fanning
So as some of you know, I am a ginormous Ellen fan. I try and watch the show EVERYday. Well yesterday Dakota Fanning was a guest and, oh man, she is all grown up now! She’s 15 and it seems like she’s turning into quite a lady. I’ve always really liked Dakota Fanning, I mean how can you not? She’s a great actress, super cute, and really down to earth (unlike some of those other child actresses out there. Lindsay Lohan? Gross.). In I Am Sam I just fell in love with her and I’ve been following her ever since. Her latest film is the new twilight series movie New Moon, which I am SO EXCITED to see! She plays Jane, one of the villains, and it will be interesting to watch her as one of the “bad guys”, a different kind of role than she usually plays. I found an old youtube video of her on Ellen from a few years back. She is so hysterical and adorable, you can’t help but love her!! She is an amazing actress and I can’t wait to see what kind of film she’ll do next and what roles she will play in the future.
Don’t you love Ellen? I do. I just recently discovered the Ellen Degeneres show because as a full-time student and a part-time nanny I don’t work most days until after 11:30. SO, while I should be doing homework and reading, I instead watch Ellen. Before I became a devoted Ellen fan, I used to watch Regis and Kelly. This is only because I am a HUGE Today Show fan, on NBC- channel 7 (LOVE the whole gang), and Reg and Kelly are also on channel 7. I can’t even believe I was wasting my time with that mumbo jumbo when Ellen was on channel 5! I feel so lucky to have hit the wrong channel one morning. Changed my life! The Ellen Show is an excellent way to start your morning. She makes me laugh like no one else and I just love her dancing. CLASSIC. Pair Ellen with a cup of coffee and some greek yogurt and raspberries and you’re gonna have a GREAT day. Guaranteed.
Pam and Jim get hitched!!