So there’s a lot of hype about this new show Glee on FOX, but it’s all perfectly acceptable because I have been watching it every week and it truly is all it’s hyped up to be. It’s HILARIOUS. The show is essentially about “The Glee Club”, a singing group with a bunch of “lima losers”, if you will. They basically sing and dance and are ultimately trying to win some high school competition. This show is fabulous. And the characters are laugh-out-loud, pee-in-your pants kind of funny. I love them all but my favorite, by far, is Kurt. He is the best. At our apartment we are constantly rewinding all parts involving Kurt because he is HYSterical. Did you see the single ladies episode last week? OMG. His sashay’s were incredible. I DIED laughing! I also can’t help but love Emma, the guidance counselor, because her outfits are SO j.crew and SO delightful. She is always wearing cardigans too and that just makes me smile. If you don’t watch Glee yet, you should. It’s highly entertaining and totally worth your while. You can watch all episodes for free on, just click on the link to watch full episodes and select Glee. You’ll be singing along and dancing in your apartment/house in no time. And who doesn’t love to do that?!!!

I have to end this post with the Glee promo. Because it’s amazing:

good for you, Ben Linus.

I just found out via the Bonnie Hunt Show that Michael Emerson (aka Benjamin Linus) won an Emmy for Best Supporting Actor in a Drama. GO LOST! This guy pretty much acts the same way in real life as he does on the show: VERY awkward. He had the same slowness to his voice and the same eye-bulging moments as Ben does when interviewing with Bonnie… there were some parts of the interview that reminded me so much of Ben that I actually shuddered with fear. But surprisingly, in the end, he won me over with his goofiness. Kudos to him for winning! Love that show!!!

my so called life.

My love for this show is so HUGE. I cannot even spread my arms out wide enough to express how much I love this show. So last year for Christmas my mom gave me the box set of the complete series (shown to the left). I love how my mom gave me this gift, because we used to watch it together when it was on TV back in the day. (I just looked up when this show aired and it was back in 1994. That was 15 YEARS AGO. I was a mere child at the age of 10. Could this be right? I think it’s true!) I remember being in elementary school and not being able to watch 90210 and Married with Children like everyone else in my class, but I was allowed to watch My So Called Life because I believe my mom thought it was quality (and how right she was).
Now it is hard for me to pinpoint one exact thing that I love about this show, because I love everything about it. But one thing I think I love most is Claire Daines and her character Angela. I think she is one of the best actresses EVER. And I think this show is some of her best work EVER. I love how she narrates the beginning of each episode and the end (and sometimes here and there in the middle). Everything she says about life in high school is just SO true. When she cries, I cry. When she laughs, I laugh. When she loves Jordan Catalano, I love Jordan Catalano.

All the characters are just so classic. They’re all just struggling to figure out who they really are and it’s just so fascinating to watch. Whoever wrote this show was a real genius and whoever took it off the air was a real dunce. It’s one of the best shows ever and I am proud to own the series so I can watch it whenever I need to get my fix. If you’ve never seen it, come over and I’ll watch it with you. The quotes are excellent and they will never, ever get old… in my humble opinion.

Here are some of my favorite Angela Chase quotes:

“People are always saying you should be yourself, like yourself is this definite thing, like a toaster. Like you know what it is even. But every so often I’ll have, like, a moment, where just being myself in my life right where I am is, like, enough.”

“There are so many different ways to be connected to people. There are the people you feel this unspoken connection to, even though there’s not even a word for it. There’s the people who you’ve known forever who know you in this way that other people can’t because they’ve seen you change. They’ve let you change.”

“It just seems like, you agree to have a certain personality or something. For no reason. Just to make things easier for everyone. But when you think about it, I mean, how do you know it’s even you?”

“If Jordan Catalano is nearby, my whole body knows it. Like one of those dogs that point. I’ll keep talking and stuff, but my mind won’t even know what I’m saying. I keep wondering if there’s a term for this.”

“It’s good to get really dressed up once in a while. And admit the truth: that when you really look closely? People are so strange and so complicated that they’re actually… beautiful. Possibly even me.”

“Love is when you look into someone’s eyes and suddenly you go all the way inside, to their soul, and you both know instantly. I always imagined I’d fall in love nursing a blind soldier who was wounded in battle. Or maybe while rescuing someone in the middle of a blizzard, seconds before the avalanche hits. I thought at least by the age of 15 I’d have a love life, but I don’t even have a like life.”

“Sometimes someone says something really small and it just fits into this empty place in your heart.”

AND for the best scene EVER that will leave you cheering and grinning from ear to ear, check this out: