Archives for July 16, 2009

BK buffalo sauce.

This spicy buffalo sauce from Burger King is deeeeeeelicious. I discovered it a couple of years ago while on a road trip with one of my best friends from college. Deciding we were in some real need for fast food we stopped at a service station for some Burger King. Wendy’s has always been my personal favorite (Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger, anyone?), but I’m a big fan of the King and Mickey D’s too. They are all winners in my book. For the current meal we decided on the BK chicken fries and this fantastic dipping sauce to go with them. The sauce is super hot but also super flavorful. It pairs nicely with an ice cold original Coke from the fountain soda machine. Since I don’t eat fast-food very often (fortunately for my waist) having this sauce is a real treat. Last time I went to BK I was so obsessed with the sauce that I asked for a plethora of it at the counter to take home with me. Now I can have it whenever I want with frozen chicken fingers from the grocery store. GENIUS!

I am about to indulge in this dinner as we speak and I couldn’t be more thrilled about it. Adios!