Archives for August 4, 2009

goodbye, KAP!

This past Friday I had my very last day at KAP school, where I have been teaching 1st grade for the past 2 and a half years. Although I am excited and ready to move to the next phase of my career, I am so sad to leave my kids! This year I had an amazing class that I will never ever forget. There have definitely been some tough times (this was my first teaching job!) but I feel like I have grown a tremendous amount as a teacher and know that this is what I want to be doing. I LOVE it.

Here are some of my favorite pics from this year:

Beginning of the year at the tire swing park…

Painting pumpkins for Halloween…

Science Fair winners!

Becoming readers…

Field trips to fun places…

Last days of school…

Me and Brenda… the best classroom aide!

Goodbye KAP teachers! I will miss you all!