Archives for October 2009

pretty project at 31 temple street.

Last week I helped my friend Andrea redecorate her bedroom. Although my heart lies in teaching, my second life passion is and always has been (“I love my room, I love my room…”, anyone?) interior decorating. Andrea asked me to help her after she moved in so I guess she must like my style/trust my decorating skills (thank you, friend!). I’ve been excited about the project from the moment I saw her bedroom. It’s a tiny one, but it has TONS of potential. She picked out her bedding from anthropologie (a.mazing) and her furniture is all vintage (tried and true). Here’s the room, before and after. I arrived at 10 AM ready to whip this place into shape, and it only took us about 2 hours! It ended up looking so pretty, if I do say so myself. And it was fun too!

Not the prettiest room I’ve ever seen…. YET. So we worked on her room for about 2 hours, taking the bed apart and moving furniture around, and in the end we came up with this…


Adorable, right?? I know the blinds are still busted, and we’re still waiting for curtains, wall shelves, and some artwork. But after all that stuff is in then it will be complete! I’ll post more pictures when the finishing touches are in!

sweet kicks from piperlime

Gotta love piperlime! Today is it’s birthday so they’re giving away $25 gift certificates if you make a purchase. OBVIously these type of promotions suck me in and of course, I bought some sneakers. I’ve been totally into sneakers lately. I think it’s because I’m not working in a school right now and I can wear whatever I want. I got some sweet gray chuck taylors for my bday…. and I just bought a new white pair today. CLASSIC. (I know I use that word a lot, but these sneakers ARE the definition of classic.) I also recently bought my first pair of keens, which are the red sneaker down at the bottom. They’re super comfy and totally cute. Can’t wait til I get my $25.. OR if I’m lucky $100 (they’re giving them out to every one hundredth buyer)!! I’ve never won anything in my life, but today could just be my lucky day.

Piperlime has thousands of shoes to choose from, so check it out!
And there’s always free shipping too!!

Love: Hilary Swank

Hilary Swank was on Ellen this morning promoting her new movie: Amelia Earhart. SO EXCITING! LOVE Hilary Swank. She is most definitely one of my favorite actresses. On Ellen I found out that she loves Halloween and her dogs. She rescued one of her dogs, Karoo, when she was filming in South Africa. He was full of worms and had a million flees and ticks, but she adopted him despite all that and brought him home. I really admire her for doing this because I personally don’t think I would have done that. But then again, I’ve never been in South Africa and found a little pup, and have also never come across a sick dog. Anyways, love her in all the movies she’s in. She is the 3rd youngest woman to win 2 Academy Awards. She’s clearly amazing and fantastic.

This pic is from the movie Freedom Writers. It’s one of my favorite Hilary Swank movies because she plays a young teacher trying to get her students, tough “city kids”, to love writing. GREAT movie.

Here’s a pic from the new movie, Amelia Earhart. She looks JUST like the real Amelia Earhart and from what she told Ellen (she worked for 8 weeks perfecting her accent and studying her) I bet she’ll portray her perfectly. Can’t wait to see it!

Burns’ in Boston.

So on a regular basis the only Burns family member I see in Boston is my sister. I’ve been lucky this weekend though because I not only got to see one Burns cousin, but two! A rare and most excellent occasion.
We hit up the Boston Book Fest on Saturday afternoon to see Peggy and Tom who were in town working at their company’s tent, Drawn and Quarterly, selling comics and the like. We hung around the book fest for a few minutes, before deciding anthropologie was slightly more fun. It was so great to see you guys, even if it wasn’t for that long!
See you at Christmas!!

My cousin Virginia was also in town with my Uncle Dean
for the NFDA convention, which is here in Boston this year at the Expo Center. They are staying at our family friends house, also in Brookline, so we had everyone over for dinner tonight! Crockpot sloppy joe’s and my special mustard dressing salad. Quite the enjoyable evening, I’d say.
Here’s a pic of me, Meg, Ginia and Leigh from tonight:

Great to have everyone in town and glad they
could swing by for some eats!