Archives for October 3, 2009


Yesterday, while at the Atrium Mall, I bought 2 new cardigans for my collection. I love the colors. Very neutral. Very fall.
This color is called antique stone.

And this one is called buff pink. A little hard to tell it’s pink from the picture but it’s PRECIOUS.

And, I must add the item Meg purchased. Because it’s also precious. Looks great on too:

Oh, jcrew… how we love you.

our apartment.

Our apartment is super clean right now, mainly because we are having visitors today (Lauren’s parents), but also because I run a tight ship here. Haha just kidding, we are actually all very neat and the apartment is hardly ever in disarray. YAY! So I decided to take some pictures to show everyone! Meg and I have lived here for the past 2 years, and Lauren just moved in this year. We love living here and have really made it home! Here’s some pics for those of you haven’t been to visit us yet. Enjoy, and come on over and hang out if you ever have the chance!
the entryway…

living room..

dining room..


Lauren’s room..

Meg’s room…

my humble abode…