Archives for October 2009

a bushel and a peck.

Today was gorgeous! A perfect fall day… so we decided to head out to the country and pick some apples! We chose Honey Pot Hill Orchard in Stow, MA and it did not disappoint. Apples, apples, everywhere, oh so many apples. I have to stop here and admit that I don’t even really like apples. HA. It’s something about the skin and the cold on my teeth. Just turns me off… BUT I do like apples baked, like apple pie and apple crisp. YUM. And I like apple cider and especially apple cider doughnuts. With lots of sugar on top. So even though I’m not in love with eating apples straight from the tree, the day was spectacular and the adventure was totally worth my while.
We got 30 pounds of apples. Oh my, we have a lot of baking to do.
Remember that song?…
A bushel and a peck.
(and a hug around the neck).
Here’s some pics from today. The colors were phenomenal.

Happy Birthday, MKB!!

Today is my little sister’s birthday! HAPPY 24!
I still remember the days when we were poodle girls at Heids Hotdogs. Unforgettable.
Love you, Megs!

This is the gift I got Meg for her B-day… the Boyfriend Military Jacket from j.crew! It’s awesome! I bought it on sale over a month ago and have been hiding it in my trunk at the end of my bed. I’ve been itching to give it to her, partly because I know she’ll love it and partly, of course, because I want to wear it too! It’s super fashionable and very different from anything else she has. It’ll look so great with a belt too! YAY.


Went to Sorellina last night in Back Bay because my Friend, Mrs. Foss, was back in town!!! It was reeeeally great to see her (she moved down to the sunny state and I bet it’s so sunny down there… like a perminent summer… jealous.) and I am kicking myself for not bringing my camera and taking some pictures. SO unlike me! Anyways, I had to find some sort of visual to add to my blog so I picked these delicious truffle fries (see below). UNREAL. The meal was SUPER savory, although a little on the expensive side. The interior is beautiful, very white and trendy. I’d say it was a special occasions type of place. And this was a special occasion. Plus, you only live once. Right?
I ordered:
App: TUNA* hand – cut raw, spicy mostarda aioli and chili vinegar
Main Dish: MACCHERONCELLI American kobe beef meatballs, barolo sauce and Parmigiano, side order of truffle fries
Dessert: SEMI FREDDO mocha meringue, caramel syrup

My Rating: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Basically, it was awesome.


“even small celebrations deserve a dance.”

-quote from my dove promise wrapper.
(love those little peices of deliciousness.)