Archives for October 2009

Pam and Jim get hitched!!

YAY for The Office wedding!! I was just doing a little catch-up on missed TV and watched the hour long Office episode where Jim and Pam finally tie the knot. EXCELLENT!!! Everybody loves these two and I do too. Of course they were supposed to be together from episode one. I still remember the days of flirting by the receptionist desk. Pam oblivious (in mind, not heart of course) and Jim just soaking up every second he could. And finally, it happened! They are as cute as ever together in this episode. Just love. And I cannnot even describe how hard I was laughing at both Andy’s pre-wedding dance party and the Dunder-Mifflin dance-off down the aisle. I was choking I was laughing so hard. Erin?! Oscar?! STANLEY?!!!! HILARIOUS!!! This is for sure an episode I will watch again and again. One for the books. Priceless.

new bag!

Purchased this bag today while walking around nantucket town! I saw it and absolutely could not help myself. I love all the colors and it will go with so many outfits. I’m just going to take it with me everywhere. I figured it must have been a sign when I saw it today in the store window because I was dreaming about it all last night. Clearly, we were meant to be together.

Orla Kiely.

Don’t you just aDORE Orla Kiely? I DO. It’s so retro fabulous, I just love it all. So far my only Orla Kiely item is the wallet I got for my birthday last year. It’s the best. I just love looking online at her adorable bags. I hope to get one soon. Also, I heard they have Orla Kiely kitckenware at Target, but everytime I go I don’t seem to see any. AND it’s not on their website either. BOO. I think the mugs are great. Maybe I should just order some online. They would totally go with my pseudo vintage anthropologie kitchen. Not like I need anymore mugs or anything. But all the same, I want them. I’ve posted some of my favorite items below. Everything is just so adorable I can hardly stand it. JOY!


So I’m in Nantucket for the weekend with the family that I babysit for. The house is right on the ocean so I can’t really complain! It would be much nicer to be here with some friends and family though. Just saying. I love the main part of town. It’s so adorable with it’s cobblestone streets and little shops. Summer has clearly come and gone (*sigh), but it’s still nice to be by the beach and smell the sweet salty air. We got here yesterday on the fast ferry and made it in to town today for some lunch at the White Elephant Hotel. They have a restaurant there called the Brant Point Grill and it sure was something to blog about. We ordered calamari for the table that was REALLY good. My serloin burger was just super, the best part being the FRIED PICKLES. They came on top of my cheeseburger. OMG amazing. Had some lemonade and terrific sweet potato fries…and other than that it was just a very pleasant meal with a very pleasant view. Great lunch!!! Now I am relaxing in my room overlooking the ocean. DREAM!