sweet kicks from piperlime

Gotta love piperlime! Today is it’s birthday so they’re giving away $25 gift certificates if you make a purchase. OBVIously these type of promotions suck me in and of course, I bought some sneakers. I’ve been totally into sneakers lately. I think it’s because I’m not working in a school right now and I can wear whatever I want. I got some sweet gray chuck taylors for my bday…. and I just bought a new white pair today. CLASSIC. (I know I use that word a lot, but these sneakers ARE the definition of classic.) I also recently bought my first pair of keens, which are the red sneaker down at the bottom. They’re super comfy and totally cute. Can’t wait til I get my $25.. OR if I’m lucky $100 (they’re giving them out to every one hundredth buyer)!! I’ve never won anything in my life, but today could just be my lucky day.

Piperlime has thousands of shoes to choose from, so check it out!
And there’s always free shipping too!!

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