Archives for March 7, 2010

Bachelorette Bonanza.

This weekend I am back in Brooklyn, visiting Bails and Beck and getting excited for Bailey’s Bridal Shower today in Long Island City! But I realized I never posted about the Bachelorette Bonanza that happened just a few short weeks ago. It’s been so exciting getting all together for these celebrations– spending good time with great friends. The Bachelorette weekend proved to be a success! The meal was delicious, the Sangria was flowing, and we ended the night with karaoke (which was a blast, not to mention hilariously funny). Here’s a mini-recap of the weekend:
A little reunion at Bailey’s Brooklyn apartment before the festivities begin. Joya was aplenty. Delicious AND delicious.

The next day followed with mani/pedis at Dashing Diva and with pink champagne!!!!

The night was fabulous. We had dinner at Calle Ocho on the Upper West Side and it was absolutely perfect. Afterwards we headed out on the town!! An amazing party for an amazing friend!!