Archives for April 17, 2010

I LOVE: Bedding.

I’ve decided to start a new “category” in my blog– Bedding. For my single room in my apartment I have 4 different sets of bedding. Sometimes I change with the seasons, and other times I change it up just because I feel like it. All of my bedding is of an orangy-pinkish hue. I love orange. It’s so warm and cozy.


Here is a current picture of my bedroom:

The duvet cover was a steal on sale at the Garnet Hill Factory store in Franconia, NH. It’s so light and airy, a perfect match for springtime. The pillows are a mismatch from several different stores. A few from Homegoods, L.L.Bean and Anthropologie. And the drapes are actually Ralph Lauren orange paisley sheets that my mom cut up and sewed into curtains. So cute. I’ve had them since college and my love for them is just as strong as ever. So that’s my bedding in a nut shell. I’ll try to remember to post pictures when I change it up again.

For now here is some other bedding that I am in love with:

These next couple of pictures are all from Anthropologie.

Their bedding is glorious.


And I’m not sure where this is from, but I really like it:

I love the orange and grey. Such a nice pair of colors!

Addicted to chapstick.

I love chapstick. I NEED chapstick. Without chapstick I cannot function. I cannot sleep, I cannot eat, I can hardly breathe. Hello, my name is Anna and I am addicted to chapstick.

Every bag I own has a classic Chapstick brand moisturizer tube inside. Classic chapstick is the way to go. Tragically, the other day I could not find any of my chapstick. Not even ONE. My lips were burning! I was going crazy. Ask Zan. Or Meg. Or Lauren. They were all witnesses to my withdrawal. Not pretty.

Luckily, Meg had a Vaseline tin to save my lips from their dry, uncomfortable state. Phew! This brand is pretty good. It’s got a glossy texture, which is not particularly my cup of tea, but it works for some people.

In my Easter basket this year I received Burt’s Bees replenishing lip balm with pomegranate oil. Sounds fancy, huh? It is. I enjoy using it from time to time. It gives my lips a nice color and tastes yummy too (if you happen to lick your lips like I do… which is probably the reason I need chapstick so much).
And lastly, I am a fan of Nivea: A Kiss of Moisture. The cherry flavor, like Burt’s Bees pomegranate, also adds a tint of color and this brand goes on so smooth. Nivea doesn’t last quite as long as the classic chapstick brand, but it’s great to take out to dinner if you want just a slight pink color on your lips.