Archives for April 2010

Bhizzle LOVE.

Tomorrow some of my Brickhouse beauties will be in town. OH YES.
It’s so exciting! I love this picture don’t you? On a wine tour, on the lake, loving life. Oh senior year, sometimes I really miss you. The last time we were ALL together was…. graduation, or shortly thereafter. That was almost 5 years ago. YUCK. How horrible, right?! We’ve been together in bits and pieces over the years– a NH trip 2 years ago, Cal’s wedding last fall– but never back as the 7 deadly sins (You bet we dressed like that for Halloween. It was A-mazing). Since this weekend we’ll only have 4 B-hizzies in the house, Hannah’s wedding in September will be the big reunion. Als will be back from New Zealand!

It’s obviously going to be crazy fun.

Always is when we’re together:

So pretty, right?

Can’t wait for tomorrow. It’s been too long.

get me a grilled cheeeeese pleeease.

Who loves grilled cheese? I love grilled cheese.
That warm and cheesy heaven
Buttery and delicious.

I am seriously in LOVE with grilled cheese. All kinds of delicious, buttery grilled cheese. It’s 11:00 on a Friday night and I can’t stop wishing I was eating a grilled cheese. I’m sad though, because I have no bread. And I have no cheese. BUMMER. I know what I’m doing first thing tomorrow. I will buy that bread and cheese and I will make one killer grilled cheese for lunch. It’ll be insane. YUM.

Good night. I’m off to dream of some mouth watering grilled cheeeeeeeese.

(This ridiculous post is a result of my empty stomach. My apologies, GNIGHT!)


Oh, hey everyone. Sorry I’ve been MIA this week. Just so busy learning how to teach kids their ABCs and stuff like that. I’m in the process of looking for a teaching job for next fall. It’s hard work! There’s so much to do and research and hardly enough time to do it. Today I’m headed to an education job fair. There will be over 30 schools there from the Boston area. I’ve got my resumes ready and my smile on (my handshake is nice and firm too)… wish me luck! Then tomorrow I’ll be on my way to Sturbridge, MA to attend the Massachusetts Reading Association’s annual literacy conference.

Looking forward to the weekend… Brickhouse girls are coming to town. YAY!!!!!

Hippity Hoppity

Happy Easter!!
Hope you are enjoying this glorious day wherever you are!