YUMMY Cookbooks

I was in Barnes and Noble a few weeks ago and was perusing through the cookbook section. SO FUN. This is something that I do often (read: at least twice a month). I love cookbooks. They just make me wish I was a real cook. Like Giada, for instance. LOVE Giada. I don’t ever really buy cookbooks though. I’m more of a “google search a recipe” kind of girl. I just don’t plan my meals far enough in advance. I’m more of the “last minute/what am I going to make tonight?” type. It’s all good. Also, cookbooks are expensive. And I try not to do expensive whenever I can help it.
However, if I did buy cookbooks these are surely the ones I would buy:

Oh wow. Imagine all the possibilities.

I really like this one. Zan and I like to have sushi parties. They are so fun and delicious.

Yes, siree! I’ll gladly have lobster at home.

Almost everyone I know has this cookbook or some version of it. This makes me want it too.

And lastly:

I LOVE PW!!!! This book is fabulous because each recipe has great photography of the food to help you with each step. Plus, Ree Drummond is just so seriously AWEOME. Someday this cookbook will be mine. Someday soon I hope.

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