Archives for June 2010

Adorable Blog Alert!!

Thanks to my MOM, I now bring to you the most adorable blog EVER…..
New Dress A Day

Inspired by Julie Powell’s cooking blog, this VERY chic young lady decided to start her own project (sans cooking). She quit traditional shopping and went straight to the thrift shop. A new dress a day and this girl’s got an incredibly fabulous new hand-made wardrobe. I’m so jealous– I wish I knew how to sew!

365 days.
365 items of clothing.
365 dollars.


Pink tiles, be gone.

I am quite certain that if this was my bathroom I would be the happiest girl in the world.

Or this one. This one would make me insanely happy too.

This one isn’t too shabby either, if I do say so myself.

And good golly how could this NOT make one cheerful?

Thanks House Beautiful, for shaping my dreams. You kind of have to dream if you’ve lived with a closet-sized bubble gum pink tiled bathroom for the past six years. And that’s not just one bathroom, it’s been three. Three pink tiled bathrooms in six years. I kid you not.

Good thing pink is my friend.

Strawberry Poppy Seed Salad

I was feeling lazy tonight for dinner and so I stopped by Panera to take-out a salad to bring home. I decided on the Strawberry Poppy Seed, seeing how it’s summer and all, and it was the perfect dinner for a warm June night.

The salad not only has strawberries, but blueberries, mandarin oranges, and pineapple too. Plus walnuts and feta (if you ask) and a really tasty poppy seed dressing. It’s great choice if you’re ever near a Panera Bread– take my word for it!

Boots, I love you.

So I absolutely understand that it is summer and that it is 85 degrees and the end of June. I get it, I get it.
But still, I cannot stop thinking about these boots.

Trouble is, I don’t even know if they still exist. Madewell sold them last fall and winter, and I even have a faint memory of them being in the store last spring. I haven’t had the chance to stop by lately and do not know if they are still purchasable. The website does not have them, but could the store? Does anyone know?! Can anyone out there tell me? Please, give info. Help a sister out. For some strange reason (or maybe not so much, given my history) I feel like these need to be my boots. Why? Good question. Am I nuts? Absolutely. At any rate, these gorgeous boots are stuck in my head and I can’t get them out and I love them.

I love them.

Boots, I love you. Please be mine.