Interior Designer Extraodinaire

Oh hey, what’s up Mr. Schuester!

Wait, back up. That’s not Mr. Schuester. That’s Nate Berkus: Interior Designer Extraodinaire.

I just discovered his show today on NBC, on right after Ellen. At first I was thinking, What the heck happened to Bonnie Hunt?, and then I remembered that I didn’t even really like the Bonnie Hunt Show. It was merely a necessary pathway to The View. Well, Nate Berkus has created the show for me. As a regular guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Nate is no stranger to gorgeous interior design. And now he is bringing his expertise right into our living rooms! His show is all about design and DIY projects. So far, I am loving it.

Nate Berkus is most definitely a little cheesy. But he loves antiques and flea markets, so naturally, I like him. And he’s got some heart. Already I shed some tears over a give-away he did today.

I like that in a TV show host.

Keepin’ it real.

happy tuesday!

Who thinks this entry way is fantastique? Me, me, and me.

(oh hi, puppy!)



If you want something to make you happy on this Sunday morning (besides the gloooorious sunshine out today!) check this out:

LONNY’s latest issue and their one year anniversary celebration!

This magazine is too beautiful to describe in words. I am in awe as I “flip” through the pages.


And have a good Sunday!


Lonny Mag

So in my search for a good magazine awhile back, my friend Eliza informed me of an online magazine called Lonny. Although I was looking for actual pages to flip (i.e. paper magazine), the online paper-less magazine Lonny wins for spectacular ideas, eye-pleasing layout, and all around fabulous design. It’s so wonderful, every issue is so bright and EXACTLY my style. Or at least, what my style inspires to be. Plus, it’s GREEN!

Thank you Eliza for letting me know about this!
Looking through this mag is a DREAM if I ever had one. Simply divine.

I am 170% addicted to this publication.
If that’s even possible.
And I think it might be.

The August/September Issue is 197 pages of pure bliss.
Oh joy!

Go subscribe!