Archives for June 26, 2010

Izze Sparkling Juice

I love Izze sparkling juice. Do you know it? It’s so yummy and all natural. It’s flavor is different from soda, and better in my humble opinion. Although don’t get me wrong, I do love a good carbonated fountain soda every now and again. Coke, please. Or Dr. Pepper, thanks. BUT if you’re ever in a place that sells Izze Sparkling juice- go for it! They have the most delicious flavors including grapefruit, pomegranate, clementine, and blackberry, apple, lime, blueberry, and peach. So many to choose from!

I enjoyed a blackberry juice today and was immensely satisfied.

So flavorful and has that extra added fizz for a wonderful thirst quenching experience. HIGHLY recommended. Just wonderful.

My little Boos.

Yesterday was my last day with these precious Boos of mine.
Wyatt Boo. And Asa Boo. My loves. My true loves.
I’ve spent the last 10 months with these cuties and I’ll really miss seeing them everyday. They are perfectly precious and as sweet as can be.
Next week my reading specialist internship starts up, so all my week days will be devoted to teaching reading and building up my hours for my reading license. I’m excited to start the next phase of my life, but it’s super hard to leave little ones that are as amazing as these two are. I love you boys! Stay sweet and I will see you soon…oh so very soon.
Much love always to the little Boos that stole my heart.
♥♥♥ anna ♥♥♥


So this past week marked the official start of summer. I have been ready for this since September 21, the official start of fall. Summer is by far my favorite season. Hot weather, sunshine, flip flops, strawberries, beach time, summer parties, and summer beer. Give me summer and give me happiness. Hooray!