Cape Cod 2010!!

I was just looking through my pics and I realized I never blogged about Cape Cod!! My goodness, well, it’s ABOUT TIME. Wouldn’t ya say? It is the first day of fall after all. Bummer. I miss summer.

This year’s trip (4th annual) started out pretty rough. Cold. Windy. Rainy. Yick.
Still though, we found ways to entertain ourselves like eating LOTS of delicious meals cooked by my mom and Grammy, doing a little window shopping on Main Street, and watching the Red Sox kick Toronto AND Seattle’s be-hinds. :)

Also, I devoured The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

This book was 110% nuts.
It’s fast-paced.
And, it was amazing.
You should probably read it. Like, now.
Just read it. READ IT.
Aaaaanyways. Where was I? Oh yes, CAPE COD. Glorious, CC.
Cape, I love you.
After a few days of rain, the skies finally cleared and the sun shone bright… OH so bright! We got a chance to finish off the week doing what we love best, beachin’ it!
Here’s some pics from this year’s vacation:
The lovely house!

Hanging out on the porch swing…


Dinner at the Wild Goose Tavern

Seals!!! (through binocular lenses!)

Did some shopping at my favorite store…
It has lots of seashells and fabulous sea inspired jewelry.

And had some good old fashioned fun at lighthouse beach!! DREAM.

Sunset over Hardings Beach…

See ya next year, CC!!

end of summer family fun…

I hope you had a terrific weekend.
I just got back from the 1st Annual Burns Family Clam/Lobster Bake up in Skaneateles, NY. You know a party is a success when someone says:
“Hey! Next year, let’s make T-shirts!”
Fun times at the Tool Shed.
Pictures coming soon! (as soon as I find my camera cord. missing in action since sometime last week.) And more posts too… I promise!

Fruit Frenzy Bars

I just tried one of these Fruit Frenzy Bars from Trader Joes. Wow. WOW. I apologize for lack of a better picture. It’s too dark in my kitchen right now and this is all I could find. You can get the idea though. Looks so pink and cheery. And tastes even better.

It is three layers of sweet, tart, sugary goodness.
First raspberry. SOOO flavorful.
Next lemon. Deliciously sour.
Last strawberry. Tastes like summer.
TRY these. Try these tomorrow! They will keep that summer skip in your step. Hold on to it while you can!

My summer (in a clam shell)…

This summer flew past, right before my eyes. I can not believe how fast it went actually. So super fast– like those horses and jockeys at the Saratoga race track. Whew! Mostly, I was finishing up my coursework, but also, I was having fun.
I finished up the Summer Compass Program (a Lesley University/Cambridge Public Schools partnership) with an extreme sense of accomplishment. Mostly because I can’t even belieeeeeve how much paperwork I finished in only 6 weeks, but also because I really did feel like a reading teacher. :)
The other reading specialists I worked with (pictured above) were all AMAZING. I loved spending my days in the reading room with them, working as colleagues, and getting to know them as friends. I will miss this group and will have great memories of our crazy summer together!

I did also manage (although I’m not quite sure how) to do other summer-y things with other fabulous people in my life. LUCKILY, I have the documentation to prove it. Here is my summer in a nutshell….OR, more appropriately, a CLAM shell. Wish it could go on forever.

I made it to a red sox game!

I enjoyed a night out with friends at an HWS/SLU alumni event…

Hung out with Zan’s fam… ate a good amount of ice cream…

Went down to Greenwich to spend time with family…. got some pics with my Aunt Heidi’s chicken coup…

Fresh eggs, anyone?

Drank PBRs with the guys…

Loved me some EE and Aaron…

Becca came to visit and she cooked up a delicious meal!

I am the proud new owner of a FABULOUS FIT-

I took a weekend trip to the Cuse and spent most of my time in Skan-town… picked some corn, ate some veggies, hung out with my cousins, spent time with Tinsley, and got to see MO!!
