Archives for June 2010

HWS 2005: Reunion Weekend

This weekend is my 5 year college reunion.
WAIT a minute. Hold up.
Did I just say 5 years?
I did. I said 5 years.
Jeepers creepers.
Devastatingly, I couldn’t make the event this year– but to everyone who did, I hope it’s an absolute blast. I don’t see how it couldn’t be.
Camp Ho Ho: the place dreams are made of.
In 2 weeks Zan and I will be heading up to Geneva for a wedding, so I do have that to look forward to! Aahh Seneca Lake in the summertime. There are few things better than that.

Coolidge Corner Arts Festival

With over 70 artists it’s sure to be interesting and appealing. Bring your sunscreen and your wallet. And come hungry! The Brookline Food Festival is held at the same time (12-4) and the same place: LUCKY! Food tickets are $2 each– all proceeds going to the Brookline Food Pantry.
Participating vendors include:

MegKB, M.Ed!

As of today, Meg officially has a Masters in Education! WOOHOO. Meg started a rigorous program at UMass Boston 2 years ago in School Psychology. Next year she will be completing a full-year internship to become a real live licensed school psychologist. What a smarty.
Congrats little sister. Love you!

The Mountain Label

You MUST download this month’s free desptop calendar from design*sponge. It’s awesome! The artist is Christopher Bettig, whose artwork is super cool and contemporary. Check out his website and blog and while you’re doing that head over to Design*Sponge to make this your wallpaper for the month. I absolutely love it– it’s so clean and bright. A fresh start to your Friday and just perfect for early summer.