brie and raspberry croissants


Croissants. Croissants. Croissants.

I just love saying that. And in a french accent, naturally.


MMMMMmmmmmmm. Croissants.

In reality, I do not yet know how to make actual croissants, although it is something on my list to do in 2011. I do, however, very much enjoy the next best thing equally as much as the real thing: Pillsbury Crescent Rolls. PCR are positively delightful. They are so delightful that I like to call them croissants, whether they really are true croissants or not. Mostly, because I just like saying croissants.

There really is hardly anything better than croissants. They are so soft and buttery. I absolutely love every single bite. My mother always made croissants with my favorite dinner dish, chicken paprika. mmm. It’s still the exact thing I ask for whenever I visit home. The chicken paprika is mouthwateringly delicious, but the croissants absolutely make the meal for me. You want to know what else is mouthwateringly (is that a word?) delicious?

Croissants for breakfast. Even better… croissants for breakfast with brie and raspberries. Oh. my. goodness.

You can very easily make this yourself. And if I were you, I would make these today.

Pillsbury Crescent Rolls (aka croissants)
Soft Brie
Ripe Raspberries

350 degrees for 10-12 minutes.

Bake ’em on up and enjoy! Easy peasy oh so breezy.

Happy Saturday!


  1. Oh man, friend. I believe in you, but I might wait on croissants for awhile. Those things are high maintenance! Besides, crescent rolls are just about the most delicious things on earth. Have you tried to non-speedy version of the no-knead bread recipe? That’s what I am going to try next!

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