(photo credit: chelsea stahl)

A snow day is one of the best gifts in the world. It’s practically as wonderful as Christmas. I was especially lucky enough to find out tonight that I have a snow day tomorrow. Now that is a real treat. This means that I can sleep in tomorrow morning without a care in the world while the snow flakes fall, fall, fall outside my window. I am already formulating a plan in my head with all things I can do on my day off.

Here’s what I’ve come up with so far:

1. Get up around 7:30. No need to sleep the day away, people. These are precious work-free hours to savor.

2. Watch the Today Show and Ellen. This will sure be a treat. I love these shows and usually I leave my apartment far to early to watch even a second of Katie, Matt, Anne, and Al. It’ll be so nice to see them again.

3. Brace the snow and head to the store to pick up some supplies for a food project. What will I make? Cookies? Soup? Bread? Only time will tell. I’m seated here in my bed with more cookbooks than I can comfortably carry, ready to take a peak at them before I head off to dreamland.

4. Cook the early afternoon away.

5. Take some pictures of the winter wonderland.

6. Shovel out my car. (Boo to this part.)

7. Make hot chocolate and cozy up with a good book!

Hooray for a snow day! What’s your favorite way to spend one?


  1. […] did very little on my planned out snow day list, except shovel my […]

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