Archives for February 27, 2011

wegmans: craft your own pack

Wegmans is the place of ALL places to shop for anything grocery related in your life.  It is the mecca of all grocery stores, the “KING”, if you will. And so this makes me very sad to report that my only opportunity to visit and soak up Wegmans are the few times I am home visiting my mom and dad in Syracuse. We do not have Wegmans near Boston, and this is one of the greatest tragedies of all time.

Not to be dramatic or anything.

I’m just simply stating the facts.

On a happier note, when I do get to go to Wegmans there is so much to see and do I can spend hours there, days even, and so this makes my trips home always that much more exciting.

Last summer when I was home I discovered the “Craft Your Own Pack” section, upon where there is a wide variety of single beers to choose from, to make yourself a custom 6-pack of tasty beverages.

This I had never heard of before!

It’s a pretty sweet deal, I think, to be able to pick out ones you know you like, and others you want to try. We filled a few “Craft Your Own Packs” on our way to Lake Placid, which gave us a nice variety to choose from while we were there.

VERY cool. Thanks, Danny W.!