real simple.

This magazine is just delicious.

I could eat it up.

I LOVE the April issue. And basically every other issue ever made.

I honestly don’t know why I don’t have a subscription to this magazine. What the heck am I doing buying it off the magazine stand each month? I need to get it together on this front. I know I would never regret it. This magazine is perfection.

Also, while scouring the internet for REAL SIMPLE covers for this post, I came across these inspirational wallpapers via decor 8 blog.

There is supposedly 19 free “daily thought wallpapers”, but I can’t seem to find them on the website. If anyone knows if these still exist, please let me know. I would love to see the rest!

It’s almost the weekend!


  1. those are so beautiful! real simple is probably the bet magazine i’ve ever encountered IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. so handy.

  2. I L.O.V.E Real Simple!!! My Mom saves them for me so everytime I come home I read like 6 months worth cover to cover!!! xxxx

  3. KIA

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