kitchen inspiration

I think one of my favorite rooms in a home (or apartment) is the kitchen. I love how people always gather there to make meals, to talk over vegetables boiling and a glass of cold milk. Eating crackers and cheese before dinner, and brownies and ice cream for dessert. There’s something about the kitchen that makes a home a home.

Right now, I don’t know what my future kitchen will look like, but I do have some ideas for what pleases my eye. One thing I know is that I would love a lot of light and soft colors. I’d like to mix patterns and prints in my dishes and bowls. And collect things that are functional and sturdy, yet pretty too.

Here are some ideas I love: one. two. three. four. five.


  1. soooo pretty. i love the teal cabinets & yellow walls. if you ever get this kitchen, you better invite me over. my kitchen is not cute at all!

    • Done!! I’ll invite you over to my new apartment anyway! Probably won’t look like this, but I’ll do my best!

  2. Can I come!??! I’ll bring the wine!!! :)

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