thoughts on the end of the year…

I feel kind of in a daze this past week. There is only 7 more days left of school, yet it seems like an eternity. I am running through all the motions but there is so much going on in my head and in my world that I’ve hardly gotten a minute to sit down all week (and the week before that, and the week before that). Every night my feet ache and I fall asleep instantly when my head hits the pillow.

My drive to work is long. Too long, I sometimes think, but this week I welcome the ride. I’ve found myself driving home after work in silence, halfway to my apartment and I’ve realized I forgot to put my music on. And I stop and consider it for a minute before deciding that I rather like the silence. For 45 minutes I can just be. Just me and my thoughts and my silence.

I welcome it and I appreciate it.

Away from my classroom and the hustle and bustle of the end of the year.

I love my job, but this girl needs a break.

In a recent morning journal prompt I asked my first graders what they would be doing over the summer. My favorite response: “I’m going to relax and take life easy.”

It made me smile.

Hear, hear. I’ll raise my glass to that.

Thank goodness summer is near.

(photo credit)


  1. you are so close! i know those final days crawl by, but they were also some of my favorites. so much to be proud of- for you and the kids.

    i wanted to reply to your comment through email, but couldn’t. i feel the same way! i find myself connecting with almost all your posts! happy almost friday!

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