Archives for August 19, 2011


Just taking some time to say hello! We’ve been having the perfect week on the Cape. The weather has been a dream and I’ve been getting some much needed sleep and sun time. I finished Shanghai Girls (SO good. Lisa See is an incredible writer.) and am cruising through The Hunger Games. I’m hoping to start on The Happiness Project next.

What have you been reading this summer?

We’ve been eating like kings here in Chatham this week. Lobster rolls and clam chowder are necessities and my grandmother even made homemade spaghetti and meatballs one night at the house. I can’t resist getting ice cream (toppings aplenty, please!) and the chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting that my sister made last night was out-of-this-world delicious.

Our week is coming to a close and I’m getting a little sad. But more than anything I’m grateful for the time I’ve had to relax and be a beach bum. I always hate to see summer go. Me and this season have got something special together. Always have, always will.

Well, we’re heading to the beach right now to soak up our last full day with our toes in the sand, but I just wanted to stop in to say HI! HAPPY FRIDAY!