Back to School Night

Tonight is Back to School night!

Basically this means I need to stand up in front of all the parents in my classroom and talk for 30 minutes about what I do with their kids all day long. When I was in high school and college and even grad school the thought of public speaking made me feel like throwing up. I would definitely have a shake in my voice, my hands would be clammy, and my face would resemble the brightest strawberry in the patch. I think I might have broken out in hives once too. Not pretty.

Last year I was SUPER nervous for the parents to come in on Back to School Night. It was my first year and I knew my history of talking in front of groups. But somehow, once I started, I felt like I could go on forever. It felt easy, and I felt confident, and instantly I knew that I would be just fine. Better than fine, even. I rocked it.

The thing about giving a presentation in my classroom is this:

I discovered that I am an expert at talking about what I do all day because I know what I am doing, I am good at what I am doing, and I love what I am doing. I know how I feel about teaching and can easily explain what my beliefs are. I am confident that I run my classroom in an efficient way and I know that I am trying my hardest to see that every child grows to their highest potential. Talking about my teaching is easy for me because it’s what I was meant to do.

And so this year, I am excited about back to school night.

I’m ready to show them my stuff. You know, knock their socks off and all that good stuff. Bring it ON.



  1. YOU GO GIRL!!! You are an aaaaaamazing teacher! These parents are lucky to have you enriching their kids lives every day. xo

  2. Best of luck! I’m sure it’ll go fine. My parents, English not being their native language, were always very nervous about parent/teacher interactions so I’m sure it goes the other way as well!


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