thoughts for a tuesday.

Well, hello, Tuesday. I see you’re back around the block again. Tuesday is such a random day. It’s better than Monday, but not as good as Wednesday, which is nowhere near as good as Thursday. Anyways, here are some thoughts to keep it real:

1. Slowly, but surely, the artwork is going up in the apartment. Curtains are done, and projects are coming to a close. On Saturday I did a DIY paper pom-poms projects that came out pretty awesome. It’s cheap art, and I love it (picture below is pre-finished project). All we need to do now is put up the nice curtain rods. Then, I’m hoping to get out a mini-apartment tour for your viewing pleasure in the next week or two. Mostly though, I’m excited to sit back, relax, and enjoy it once it’s finished!


2. Last night I went to a book club meeting. It was just a catch-up meeting, so there was no book to discuss, but even if there was, we only ever talk book-talk for under 10 minutes every time (if that). We’re mostly in it for the wine, and the cupcakes Marilyn made last night weren’t too shabby either. Next up: The History of Love. I’m excited. I’ve been wanting to read it for awhile.


3. The dance party at school was {almost} a failure last week. Until I turned things around for the better. We invited the parents in to listen to the stories and dance along too. I could tell the kids liked having an audience for their storytelling, except NO kids would dance around the grown-ups. WHAT?! Well, the girls were shimmying and shaking a little, but the boys were glued to the floor. They would not budge an inch. After 2 songs, I said a nice thank you to the parents and we bid them farewell. I KNOW my kids were too shy to break it loose in front of so many parents, so once the door was closed, I turned up the music. It got pretty wild in the room, just as I suspected it would. SO I documented it and sent it to the parents, just for proof that they can and DO dance. The parents thought it was priceless, and it is. You can view the hilarious video HERE.


4. Last weekend I took a walk over the Longfellow Bridge to capture some fall pics of the Boston skyline. I loved walking in the cool air and the sunshine. I felt like such a Bostonian and feel so happy to live here. I’ve made it a point to document as many places around Boston as I can through instagram. You can follow me if you’d like at {nannerburns}. My sister once told me I spend more time taking pictures than actually living, but I beg to differ. I think I pay more attention to things now that I’m trying to photograph the everyday. This IS living. I notice things I would never have noticed before, and I capture images to remember days and moments. Memories fade, especially the simple ones like the walk downtown, or that random Saturday brunch in the South End. Pictures though, pictures can easily spark that memory again, and bring it back to you for years to come. Pictures are my favorite. Pictures are forever.


  1. too cute!!

  2. oh my gosh. your apartment. so adorable. can’t wait to see a tour of it.

  3. The pictures of the kids dancing is HILARIOUS

  4. Ali Herter says:

    Your pom poms and dancing kids made me smile. Thank you :)

  5. That video is priceless…I love the girl who keeps doing Irish step dancing…and the other one who does just the opposite and sends her arms windmilling every few seconds like she has NO control over them!

    Great post!

  6. HA! Love the video… I’m dying over here. Kids are priceless. Thank you for remembering that kids are kids and sometimes you just need a dance party.


  7. Oh my goodness, I LOVE your apartment furnishings! Did you use a tutorial for those paper pom-poms? I’m seriously considering doing that for my bedroom!

    Also I get so psyched when I find a Boston blogger! Love seeing pieces of home!! :)

    xx Melina

  8. your photos of Boston are a-mazing. i’m ready to move!

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