christmas party time

Zan and I threw our very first party on Saturday! We invited his whole family; aunts, uncles, and cousins too. Saturday morning and afternoon were super jam packed as we diligently planned out all the party essentials. Throwing a party is not an easy task. We were moving all day long right up until the very last minute. I felt a lot like my mom as I feverishly rolled out the cookie dough just seconds before the guests were supposed to arrive. HA! Like mother, like daughter I guess.

We made my Grammy Jean’s homemade chicken noodle soup (noodles and all!), finished putting up the final decorations, and of course, I made my mom’s best sugar cookies for dessert.

It was such a fun time and it went off without a hitch!

Me with our adorable little tree.

Bing Crosby all the way!

Zan made shrimp wrapped in bacon for appetizers. The guy has skills.

Bowls ready for the soup!

So incredibly tasty. We done good.

Me and my true love, Rue. She just leaned in so close and fell asleep on me. I died! It was so cute.

The cookies came out PERFECT. Butter and sugary goodness. Like a little piece of heaven that melts in your mouth.

And if the cookies weren’t enough, we had enough after dinner treats to last for weeks and weeks (only they were all gone by the end of the night).

Happy Nell.

And we ended the evening with a new game called Charoodles. Think Charades with a twist. It was hilariously fun and silly. Just the way a good game should be and it was the perfect way to finish off the party.

After everyone went home we cozied up on the couch for Home Alone. That movie is TOO funny. Have you watched it lately? We were laughing out loud so much of the time. Macaulay Culkin’s facial expressions are priceless. That kid was gold for that roll.

Hope you had a nice weekend too!


  1. so much fun! i didn’t realize you were hostin the party from your tweets. that’s so great. i love having people into my home. it really makes it feel like home once you’ve entertained. looks like a really great night.

  2. Looks like a great party!!! (Maybe not QUITE as rowdy as that one a couple of years ago at your old place!! Remember that one!? YIKES!) xoxoxox

  3. Congrats on the successful party – it looks like everyone had a fabulous time!

  4. Omigosh…I feel like anything I post right now is going to sound absolutely spastic.

    1) It was GREAT to meet you…is it possible you are even nicer in person?!
    2) Hope to see you at future events, and if they’re sparse, we’ll just have to get together!
    3) Twitter will be happening over Christmas break…even though a voice in the back of my head is tsk’ing at me. :D

  5. This is beyond precious and if I can ask where is this spacious Boston place you have?!

  6. Goodness, you have a fantastic apartment!! The drapes, the artwork – just perfect!

  7. your outfit! your apartment! your party! i am truly smitten with all of it! xo

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