the best new app that ever happened to me

Oh my goodness. Oh my goodnessssss.

Do you people know Flipboard yet?

It’s super fun and really amazing. A m a z i n g.

My friend Hannah told me about it last week and I have been raving about it ever since. I decided I needed to blog about it for two reasons:

1)  To get it out of my system.

2) To let you in on the goods!

Unless of course, you already know about it, which just would be the case. I’m usually behind the times in the trends. If this is the case, just shake your head at me and move along with your day. I can handle it.

For those of you that don’t yet know about Flipboard, it’s basically an app (for iPad and iPhone) where you can organize all your social media in addition to your favorite daily reads (i.e. blogs, online magazines, etc). It’s like your own personal magazine of sorts. Because you design what you want to put on your dashboard.

Here’s mine:

You choose what you want to read about.

Imagine that!

Originally I linked my personal facebook here, and then promptly removed it when I came to the realization that it’s mostly filled with JUNK. For serious. People posting links, youtube videos and the like that I couldn’t care less about. One “friend” even posted her boyfriend hanging out with no shirt on showing off his newly shaved head. NO thank you.

I think I need to reprioritize and start giving people the boot.

Anyways, that’s neither here nor there.

What was this post about again?



So anyways, each button on your dashboard brings your further into your “magazine” and this is where you can keep up to date on what’s happening out there in the internet universe.

Want to know what’s happening on the twitter?

{Pictures included and everything!}


Care to check out some sweet instagram photos?

{you can “like” and comment right on Flipboard. LOVE.}


Feel like catching up on your favorite blogs?


The iPad app is incredible, because you can see so much at once and your eyes are literally beaming with glee, but the iPhone app is perfectly fine too, for on the go web-reading…

You just easily flip through the pages of your personal magazine to find all the latest of what’s going on with your friends and favorite bloggers.


Here I’ve taken a few pages and clumped them together (usually you’ll just see one page at a time):

It’s really amazing, totally fun, and best of all, the app is free!!

Everything all in one place.

And the layout is so clean and happy.

You can add online newspapers too, or really anything that strikes your fancy.

I’m trying to keep mine simple, only my most traveled to sites on the world wide web.

So super cool, right? What will your Flipboard look like?


  1. This looks so cool! Thanks for telling us about it. I will look into the app right away. :)

  2. Hi LOVE FlipBoard!!! It’s flippin’ amazing! (sorry I couldn’t resist).
    I just found your blog & I’m so glad I did!
    Bisous de Paris xxx

  3. LOVE flip board. And love that my blog is on yours (yours is on mine too)!!!

  4. This is so very neat – thanks for sharing!

  5. I have the app but haven’t set it up to look so magnificent as THIS?! Wow! You should get paid for that post!

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