lobster love.

I LOVE lobster.

This is true.

Last night Zan made me lobster risotto (he loves it too). It was more than delicious.

I seriously love that guy.

After an early dinner we headed into Harvard Square for a movie night. We saw Hugo. You might remember me talking about the book? Well, the movie was wonderful. It had mystery and magic and it was set in Paris. Oh, j’adore.

And for dessert?

Zan picked up a little something earlier in the day that is the dessert to end all desserts.





A Mike’s Pastry lobster tail.


(And yours too.)



  1. I am drooling over your pictures- I am not a lobster fan, but it all looks so good! I am hoping to see Hugo soon, so glad to know its good!

  2. how SWEET!!!

  3. What a fantastic looking dinner! I just love your table, too – so happy and colorful with the plates/napkins/candles/bowls. AND I love that Cupcake wine. So good!

  4. that pastry looks pretty darn good. and a man who cooks risotto?! he’s a keeper

  5. You lucky girl that looks SO good!

  6. i love the lobster theme. what a sweet guy. glad it was a fun night!

  7. sounds dreamy. I love lobster. And Mike’s Pastries. And your table setting. <3

  8. That dinner looks AMAZING! Jealous!

  9. OOOHOOOH I LOVE THE PHOTOS!! And Cupcake WINE! So yummy! What a dinner; and dessert – lucky lady!

  10. What a good man.

    I am in the middle of The Invention of Hugo Cabret now…based on your recommendation, of course. I’m loving it. And I’m making J take me to see the movie. Eep! =)))


  1. […] remember that awesome trip to NYC, and the time my best friend got married, and that glorious lobster risotto sittin’ pretty atop that adorable plate from […]

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