
Yesterday started off preeeetty brutal.

For awhile it was one of those days where I just wished everything would go away.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock at 5:45. Jiminy!!! It is UNnatural! After waking up between 8 and 9 the past week (a few days even 10) it basically felt like death. After a few minutes of wallowing in my sadness I forced myself out of bed and into the shower.

The drive to work was okay because the morning sun was glorious, and school itself wasn’t too terrible, but my voice was all wacky due to the ridiculous cough I inherited from my sister over the weekend and the kids seemed a little too loud for my liking. This could have been their volume, but was most likely me still suffering from the remains of my head cold (the one I had on top of the cough).

And then for some reason after work, this down in the dumps sadness came over me. Like it had hit me finally that my vacation was really over and I will not have a weekday off again until the middle of April. Now I know this might seem like I’m complaining, and I know this might not seem fair of me to say because some of you hardly ever have days off, but I’d like to see you try to run a classroom of 17 hyper 6 year olds for approximately 9 months out of the year. Then we’ll talk fair, okay? These breaks are essential for a teacher. Without them, we would most certainly burn out.

The sky was really gray at this point in the day too, which I don’t do well with. Sunshine. Good. Dark clouds. Bad.

Well, in the middle of my sorrowful drive I just told myself, Girl, quit this nonsense. You’ve got it gooood.

I hate feeling like this. It’s not me and it’s just a matter of getting through a slump. And so, I set out to change a few things:

1. I went to the gym. This almost always makes me feel better immediately. I didn’t do anything crazy, but I power-walked for a good while, and then spent some time on the bike with my book.

2. I blasted Counting Crow’s Mr. Jones. Dang, that’s a good song. Always a good time.

3. I took the longest, hottest, bestest shower. And let me tell you one of the dreamiest secrets of all time (IF you have a dryer in your home): right before you get into the shower, put your towels/robe in the dryer, and then just when you’re ready to get out, yell for your boyfriend/roommate/husband/partner to get the now incredibly warm robe out of the dryer and bring it to you. AMAZing. BEST EXPERIENCE EVER. I bought this ginormous white towel robe at IKEA and it’s hands down the best thing that ever happened to me. Especially in this situation. So after my shower I was wrapped in this glorious warmth that literally made me squeal with glee. It’s insane. You gotta try it.

After this I was feeling a thousand times better about my life and happily settled in under a blanket on the couch to watch The Bachelor. My sister’s got me hooked and it’s real bad. And I never thought I’d be saying this, but OH it’s sooo good.

What do you do to turn around a bad day?

Is there another jam I should know about? Got any special tricks up your sleeve?


  1. I WISH we had a dryer in our apartment, there is nothing greater than the warmness that comes with freshly dried clothes! I love putting on a sweatshirt right when it comes out. I am glad you were able to turn the day around, I get in those moods sometimes. I typically put on some really fun dance music and bake something yummy!

  2. Wow, kudos to you, girl. Your slump is totally understandable and your days off are totally deserved. But I probably would’ve gone home, pouted all evening, and slept it off.

    On the days when I am good enough to snap myself out of it, a cup of tea and snuggle fest with the cat will usually work!

  3. oh how i wish i had a dryer in my apartment for the reason you just stated. also, going to the gym always helps. like you feel super tired and don’t want to, but boy do those endorphins do their trick. every time i have a day like you had i’m always like “that was the right decision”, after the gym. and we all have bad days – but it’s good to recognize how good we have it and do something to make it better. like a warm robe and some reality tv.

  4. I felt like this yesterday too! It is so hard to get back in the groove after being away. Those are some great suggestions for turning around a bad day – I will have to remember these!

    My favorite things to do when I am in a funk are read blogs (like yours!) and/or watch something funny – Friends, How I Met Your Mother, The Office.

    Glad to hear you are feeling better! :)

  5. Oh man! Being a teacher is SO hard. And clouds are always bad for my mood. I can totally relate to this. A couple of years ago I made myself a mix of songs I listen to in the summer. You know, Beach Boys and Michael Jackson and other really upbeat stuff. And then when I get the winter blues I pop that CD in my car and it helps A LOT.

    • What a good idea! I need something that I don’t listen to all the time (so I don’t get tired of it), but just to pull out when I need some pick-me-up music. I’m setting off to make one of these mixes soon.

  6. Those grey days are never fun. I’m glad you had it in you to turn it around. Happy jams and some ridiculous dance moves always perk me up!

  7. I am so glad I just took a 10 minute lunch break to read dearfriend today because I was feeling EXACTLY like this yesterday and it’s so helpful to know that other ppl have the same no fun slumps!

    My new go to feel good tune: Adele- I’ll Be Waiting

    Hi to Meg, too! (from laura)

  8. I’ve been feeling like this lately, and I must say that the gym, a hot hot hot shower, and a good book do wonders. I also like to put on music and dance all around my apartment. Silly dancing is good for the soul.

    I’m glad you’re feeling better!

    [ And you teachers deserver every second that you have off. I don’t know how you do it! ]

  9. The gym thing…that is genius! Not so much the gym, but the act of reading whilst on the bike…which makes me want to join the gym! Thank you ;)

    I had a day like that on Tuesday…and I decided to make a fort. Yes. A fort. It was lovely! I put fairy lights in it, a cup of tea, my laptop…I was set. Cupcakes work too. I think the next time I have a bad day, I’ll just hop on the tube and go to Covent Garden, because I think the most amazing cupcakes in London can be found there! And there’s an air to Covent Garden that never fails to pick me up and make me feel happy, dreamy happy. Is there anywhere like that near you? Just up and go, and sit for a while, with a cupcake and a hot drink…people watch, read…it’s sure to do the trick… Although, the hot robe things sounds lush!

    I’m glad you’re back, I missed you the other week xxx

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