red velvet cupcake goodness.

Yesterday I had a snow day. Granted, there was no snow on the ground all day- or at least the snow didn’t start sticking until school would have already been over, but I had a snow day all the same. Looks like this winter has turned my school district into softies in the snow day department. But of course, I’m NOT complaining. Never.

Anyways, I basically sat around in my robe until 3:00, watching old episodes of Grey’s Anatomy on Lifetime, when I finally decided to make something of my life. CUPCAKES! I will make cupcakes, I thought. Because cupcakes are delicious, and because we’ve been meaning to make them since Valentine’s Day, and because we have all the ingredients, and most of all, because I have absolutely nothing better to do.

Now let’s just get one thing straight.

I am no baker.

But sometimes I wish I was one, and so for a little while, I pretend.

I get my little apron* on and my supplies ready and I pretend to be worthy enough for Cupcake Wars.

But the reality is that this is all a huge lie.

Well, if we’re talking about a war between me and the kitchen, then this is the truth.

I have NO idea what I’m doing. There is flour and sugar EVERYWHERE and basically, the whole time I feel like a chicken with its head cut off.

Yesterday was no exception.

Yesterday afternoon around 4:00 it looked like a bomb went off in my kitchen.

But, without thinking about the mess (except to pause to take a picture of it), I just followed the instructions for Joy the Baker’s favorite red velvet cupcakes, held my breath, and everything, for the most part, worked out okay.

Actually, if we’re being honest, it worked out more than okay.

These cupcakes were DANG good.

Better than good.

The best!


For the recipe, go here:

Red Velvet Cupcakes with Cinnamon Cream Cheese Frosting

I used Joy the Baker’s recipe because, well, I always go to Joy for things like this. She just never lets me down. These red velvet cupcakes are beyond moist and delicious and the frosting is unbelievable. Which, of course, is everything a cupcake should be.

Sugary and tasty and perfect for breakfast. And lunch. And dinner.

Until they’re all all gone.

(sad face.)

But for now they are here and so very tasty and so we shall celebrate.

Happy Weekend!!

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*PS: Don’t you love my apron? Super adorable, and fashionable too, made by my sister’s friend Erin. You can get your own at her online shop, Coco Lassial Apron Co., and also be sure to check out her Facebook fan page for hilarious stories featuring the tag line: “Tonight in my apron”… CUTEST!


  1. Anna you are too cute! I’ve fallen in love with your blog all over again! Hope to bump into upstate sometime soon.

  2. I don’t care if cupcakes are too trendy or something like that….I personally love them and feel so special and proud of myself when I can do some good piping! That red velvet cake recipe is actually my go-to :) Yours look lovely!

  3. Ooh those do look good. They wouldn’t last very long in my house, not at the rate I’ve been eating

  4. Watching these unfold over Instagram was probably the highlight of my night :) They look absolutely delicious and you look like a pro!!

  5. stefanie says:

    We had a snow day too! But, we got about 4 inches.

    I am so not a baker. I will cook anything but I do not bake. When my husband wants cookies I buy the peel & bake kind. I don’t know why I’m averse, I just am :)

    Good for you for trying something new! I’d say you won the war with the kitchen.

  6. The BEST cupcakes I have ever tasted, hands down!!! Nice work sister.

  7. Your pics are so sweet. I used to love watching Cupcake Wars, but the show has gotten too predictable for me. I’m much more of a Chopped fan now :) Awesome blog! Love finding another Boston blogger!

  8. I hope you decide to repeat this cupcake and apron adventure next time I visit! They look so good! I love your blog, thanks for a shout out on the aprons, it made me so happy to see your post!!

  9. The frosting is really what gets me. I can’t stop thinking about it

  10. Nummy nummy nummersons. Whats the yellow background? LOVE it.


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