jams for while I’m away…

Well, it’s vacation time again!


This time around I’ll be skittering off to far off places like New York City and Charlotte– warm weather HERE I COME. I’ve got my stripes all packed and my playlist made and ready. I can’t wait for this break and for the time I am going to spend with friends. This week as been longer than long and if it wasn’t for that 90s pop Pandora station I found on Sunday I honestly don’t know if I would have made it through to today.

But here I am, and PUMPED at that.

You guys remember the 90s, right?

Scrunchies and roller skating rinks, puffy paint and mix tapes.

I had trolls, played MASH, and wrote my notes in a Trapper Keeper.

And I could be found in the afternoons snacking on DunkAroos and watching the best Nickelodeon television there ever was.

You might have worn something like this:

 Or this:

Or maybe even this:

Or, if you were my sister, you might have worn some something as outrageous as this:


Every time I look at that last one I die.



Now, I’m leaving you with something really special while I’m gone. Something to help the time pass, and that you’d be crazy not to love:

15 of my very favorite 90s jams to listen to allllll week long.


90s Pop! from dearfriend on 8tracks.


Later sk8ters!



  1. dunkaroos!!! love them. miss them. these pictures are amazing and – see you Sunday!

  2. Yes, yes, and yessssss! This post brought crazy flashbacks and I LOVE it! I was just explaining to someone what Trapper Keeper was the other day… haha, too funny! I had so many trolls. And I feel like I went to at least 35 birthday parties at roller skating rinks. I was also all about slap bracelets and tshirt rings… And obviously, I am listening to “Damn, I wish I was your lover” as I type this comment – amazing. Maybe everyone should have an optional song to listen to while they comment? Pretty magical!

  3. Oh my god you guys are SO cute. And different coloured socks – that was me ALL the way. I think we must have shared a closet

  4. I put a 90’s pandora playlist on for my class a few weeks ago. They knew none of it. I was reliving middle school! Love it!

  5. Hahaha, love it! That bizarre two piece striped thing you’re wearing in the picture with the roller skates? I had that same EXACT one haha xo! eliza

  6. Oh my god I’m pretty sure I had all of those outfits, including the dance costumes. Can we PLEASE bring Trapper Keepers back? Also fun fact, Costco sells Dunkaroos :)

  7. Luuuurve the dance costumes. I had an outfit or two of my own – in kindergarten our dance costumes were CLOWNS. Fa-reaky! Have a FAB vaca girl!!!!!

  8. lol those pictures are really something. I’m glad you chose the rollerskating outfit for the playlist; I was going to comment that it’s my favorite ;). You’re always going somewhere fun, I can’t wait to see your pics.


    and yessssss nineties music makes my WORLD! we are seriously soul sisters.

  10. BHWAHAHAHAHAHHAAA!!! Those photographs—ahahahahahaaa!!! Awesome.
    Too cute. When were you BORN? You can send me a direct mesg if you prefer :)
    Have fun in NYC and Charlotte! Loving the instagrams already!

  11. Hi! I just found your blog from Nicole’s girl party. (I know! That was so long ago!) But I love your blog, it’s such a happy little space you have here. Those 90s pictures are too amazing! Me and my sister definitely were guilty of wearing such awful things.

    And as per your earlier post… The blogger meet up I recently attended was awesome, yes, but I also felt so dumb. It’s quite the humbling experience to show up completely solo and just meet a bunch of people who you only know via stalking them on the internet. HA!

    Love the blog, I’m excited to follow along!

    bonnielouisa.blogspot.com :)

  12. Ali Herter says:

    BANG ON SISTA!!! You and I could have been twins in the 90’s! Remember some of the figure skating outfits!??! Yowza!!!! :-) xx

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