my happy place.

When I came home yesterday, exhausted after an already long week, this little corner of my room put me in a happy place. I think the tulips are ultimately responsible, but also, I love how this space isĀ filled with all things that are so very “me”.

I’m a knick-knack person at heart, but in my quest for simplicity I think I’ve done a pretty good job at keeping a balance in this new space. I stopped buying things for the apartment awhile ago and just simply started to enjoy each room and the pretty details I’ve added to them.

I have a hard time picking my favorite spot, but the bedroom just might be it.

{Have you been on my apartment tour yet? Take a look inside!}


  1. Colleen says:

    I thought those might be anthropologie knobs! it’s so important to like your home and have a place to come back to. very pretty space, especially with the flowers.

  2. Aaah tulips- what a beautiful flower. Your happy place is loverly. Does your dude also have his happy place?

    • Haha funny you should ask– I kind of booted his stuff to the back room. The “man cave” as I like to call it. A basketball hoop over the door just isn’t my style, you know??

  3. Ohhh my goodness this is so me! I love having special little spaces like these around the apartment. Can’t wait to go check out your apartment tour :) xoxo, eliza

  4. This is SO you. I always think the same thing when I browse your pinterest. Everything is always soft-looking and some shade of pink or orange. =)

    Looks so beautiful though. You really have an eye for decor!

  5. That dresser would put me in a happy place, too. It looks like we have pretty much the same taste in clothes, design, decoration, etc. I love the tulips and the anthropologie knobs. So cute! :)

  6. How girly and feminine! I don’t have any nooks like that in my home but you’re giving me some inspiration of how to put one together

  7. I really need a happy place in my home! What a nice way to brighten yourself up a bit after a hard day. Fresh flowers…especially tulips…I need to invest more!

  8. what a beautiful little space. i love all the tiny details. and those flower!! tulips are my favorite!
    xo TJ

  9. I adore your happy place, it looks like a really pretty place to retreat. I’m attempting to create a happier space in my room; I can never seem to get the balance right between being neat, and not being messy…!

    Also…if you want to join in, I’m playing a little game of blogging tag…! If you have the time, then you’re “IT”! xxx

  10. Marilyn says:

    Hey Anna,

    Got dearfriend back up and running on my Google Reader! Love this! I feel the same way about knick knacks – I think you have found a great balance in this space. Looking forward to browsing some of your past posts and keeping up with your new ones!


  11. Hey Anna,

    It was great to see you last night! Love this post, you definitely have a good eye for decorating… I’m going on your apt tour now.. :)


  12. okay. it’s official. you need to help me decorate my new apartment in september. this is just too stinkin’ cute.

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