Archives for June 2012

on enjoying the moment.


Last night was the summer solstice. The longest day of the year.

This, in a way, makes me feel sad. Yes, it means that’s summer has officially started, but also, it means that summer will eventually run it’s course, too. It’s just inevitable and there’s no stopping it, but I can’t help but want to freeze time right now. Make the long days last forever and to have light and warmth all the time.

I should really move to SoCal. Except I love it here too much to leave.

Last night Zan and I went to dinner with friends. We sat outside and it was HOT but we were enjoying the longest day of the year the best way I can think to enjoy it. We drank beer and water (hydration!) and ate reeeeally delicious food. And the thing that I loved most about last night, besides the company, was that I didn’t look at my phone once. I was just there, sitting outside, enjoying a perfect night with friends.

I heard this guy talking at the pool yesterday about living inside your camera. He said you’re either fully present and experiencing the moment or you’re living in your camera lense. It really hit home for me and it’s something that’s been pulling at me for a long time. I always knew it, the importance of enjoying the moment, but sometimes you need to be reminded of things, just to make sure you’re paying attention. I love taking pictures, and love documenting my days, but there is a point where I need to put it all alway and just live.

That’s another goal I have for myself this summer.

Yes, take out the camera and snap the little things. Because you love it.

But also, put the camera away.

Just be. Just enjoy.

Just be present and live.

summer mode.


I am in full fledge summer mode over here and I’ve only officially been on vacation for 2 whole “school days”. That’s how my teacher mind works, as I’m sure yours does, similarly, if you’re in any type of Monday-Friday gig. For me it’s always been school days and weekend days. WHAT a difference a day makes.

So what will I do with my school days now that school is out do you ask?

First off, I do have a summer job. The teacher’s salary is unfortunately tragically just not big enough to lie around in the sand and sun for two whole months (what a DREAM), especially with my student loans and love of shopping. SIGH.

Instead of working on my freckles at the beach I’ll be spending my afternoons in Beacon Hill with that little nugget in the picture up there. She’s most definitely the cutest city girl around and quite the museum hopper, too! Much like last summer, we’ll be spending our days here and there around the city, eating pirate’s booty and licking ice cream cones. AHHH, Summer, you are too good to me.

As for the morning I shall do as I please.

Little bit of yoga. Little bit of blogging. Little bit of any. thing. I. want.

I’ve been biking all the live long day and I couldn’t be more pumped about it (YES! A bike! MINE!), and I am taking the train to and from work each day and so finally, finally! I get to read my little heart out. During the school year the only reading I do is the 3 minutes I lie in bed before my brain officially shuts off and I’m snoring. I want to read during the school year, but my busy schedule and my tired eyes will just never let me. So yes, this whole train-to-work thing is very exciting for me and something I’ve missed terribly since I started teaching outside of the city. BOOKS! Oh, delicious books.

And the weekends? The weekends are for spending time in the sweet summer sun. I’m taking them as they come, and with open arms. New Hampshire’s on the agenda for this weekend and I’m so so excited. I’m just checking things off that bucket list like it’s my J.O.B.

So, yeah. Things are good around here.

Summer, I think I’ll keep you.

snapshots from a wedding weekend.

Oh, take me back!

These pictures are my favorite, I think, because they show just how much fun we had at the wedding last weekend. My friends from college are some of the best and craziest people I know. We have memories that go back to afternoons on the Quad and lazy days on the porch and hammock of our beloved “brickhouse” senior year. There are wild memories from the bars downtown and pictures to prove it all (somewhere out there!). And oh did we dance. We danced and sang and sang and danced. Glory days for sure.

It’s just such a good feeling to know that you have experienced so much with these people, and that you’ve experienced it side by side. My memories? They mean the world to me and I’m happy to have made some new ones last weekend.

You know what I love most about my friends?

No matter how much time has passed, we always pick up exactly where we left off. We don’t even miss a beat, and that is a really special thing.


Happy weekend, everyone! And happy summer to ME!


The day was seriously every bride’s dream. There was perfect weather and enough family and friends were there to fill a whole tent (quite literally). Ali looked absolutely beyond gorgeous in white and Shannon spiffed up pretty nicely too! It was just simply the best. I had such an amazing time being part of the wedding— a time I will honestly never, ever forget.

We laughed and drank and danced.

We lived, we smiled, we loved.

We had a time and then some and I’m still high on the thrill of it all…

Oh, but doesn’t that last picture just fill your heart?? That’s Ali’s grandparents just as young as ever.



You can view the incredible photographer‘s video here (It’s AMAZING):

I think that Doug Levy might be a genius. I just cannot stop smiling when I watch it. SO HAPPY!


And if you’re not all wedding-ed out, I’ve got even more pics coming up tomorrow: instagram-style.

Because weekends like this are not made for one blog post.


CHEERS, Ali and Shannon!! ♥♥♥