Archives for July 27, 2012

97 summer snapshots.

A snapshots post. I haven’t done one of these in awhile (which is painfully evident from the near 100 photos I have uploaded here today).

This post is mostly for me, more than anything.

Sometimes I think I might want to turn this lil blog into a book someday. A book that I can hold and turn the pages of. To remember these days of having so much to do and so much to tell that often it is hard to imagine life more full than this. I don’t really believe that, because deep down inside I know that it will only get fuller and richer with time, and this makes me thankful and wide-eyed.

So here I am storing my favorite snapshots of the summer.

To keep and remember.

On this little old corner of the internet that is mine.


I’ve been busy this week, spending time with family and visiting friends. I will eventually share it all but life seems busy lately and summer is fleeting, so for now I think I’ll just do my best to soak it all in and experience it fully. We’re heading up to the farmhouse again this weekend and then I’m seeing Ingrid Michaelson with my sister on Sunday night, something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time now. There’s still so much to do this summer, and still so much that I’m looking forward to, but I can also see the end in sight which is why I’m starting to put the brakes on a little— attempting to slow it down and hold on a little tighter.

Wishing you a happy weekend, friends. One that inches on slowly letting you hold on and savor every last bit.