stubborn love.

Winter is kind of a stubborn love isn’t it?

I’m being dramatic, but it totally is.

You get these good days (Christmas! Snow! Hot Chocolate!), and then you get these really dark, cold, forever long days where you don’t do much of anything and feel a lot like a nothing in this crazy mix of seasons.

Dramatic, I know, but completely true. For me at least.

I’m ready for spring already, but from the looks of this past weekend, winter is just not ready to budge yet.

STUBBORN, that winter.

And blah.

Anyway, to help with the winter blues I’ve been pouring all my energy into this etsy shop (opening Friday!) which in turn means I haven’t had much left for the blog lately. I’m kind of bummed about it— this not having time and energy for writing and story telling, but know it’ll all even out soon enough. Also, winter isn’t the best match for me and inspiration, so I’m fine with taking it slow for awhile. Slow and steady till we get to spring, that’s how we’re going to do it around here.

I took a handful of pictures in Boston after the storm (which was pretty sweet), but instead of sharing my photos I thought I’d lead you to some of my favorite Boston friends who did some great photo recaps of their own experiences with Nemo…




Melanie + Bridget + Clair + Alex + Smita

Preeeeetty sweet, like I said.

And also, while we’re on the topic of stubborn love (and the entire reason for this post)…


And more specifically,


I can’t stop listening. It’s been months and months, and I JUST cannot stop listening.

Most recently, The Lumineers came out with a music video for “Stubborn Love”, which I A-D-O-R-E:

“Stubborn Love”, The Lumineers

I cried, if you’re wondering.

Big tears.

It could just be winter making me emotional, but I don’t know. It’s sad and happy, but mostly sad. That kind of feeling that hits you right where it hurts, and then hits you again where it hurts so good.

Do you know what I mean?

Anyways, this one’s been on repeat for me for forever. What’s on repeat for you?


  1. Totally agree – my emotions have been going up and down with this weather. Like what is it about the winter that makes me pity myself?!

    I just can’t wait til daylight saving time begins – I need some sunshine circa 5pm.

  2. First, thanks for the shout-out gurllll you da best. Second, OMG THE LUMINEERS. Also I bought tickets to Saturday of Newport Folk being like THE LUMINEERS WILL TOTES PLAY THEN!!!! Wanna know when they’re playing? Sunday afternoon.

    Kill me now.

    • My sister and I were talking about going!! Do you think thy still have tickets?! I better get on top of that.

      Any way you can go Sunday too?? Summatime partAy in Newport. FUN TIMES.

  3. I am new to your blog…and I love it! I found it through IG (imagine that!).

    I loved “Stubborn Love” before and now I love it even more after watching the video.

  4. Winter IS stubborn in Boston. I feel like it’s sticking around way too long here too, and I’m in California. Sending you good vibes to get through the “stuck” season with your inspiration intact :)

  5. Thank you for the shout out, friend!! Now that all the pretty snow has turned into gray slush I am o-v-e-r it and ready for SPRING! I totally have SAD (tell me you know what I mean by this).

    I JUST discovered The Lumineers and I LOVE them!!! Especially this song! The video is perfect and that little girl is ADoRAbLE.

    Can’t wait for your shop to open!!!!!!!! !!!!!!


  6. gosh, AGREED! i am all kinds of moody and just wanting to eat all things that are baked and sugary. i finally caved and signed up for an improv acting class to get me out of the funk that starts in two weeks and i am so beyond ready to combat all the sads! i just want sundresses and lemonade and bike rides and all sunny things all the time.

  7. you know, sometimes i feel like it depends on what kind of winter we’re having, too. like the ’10-’11 winter, where we had the huge storm right after christmas and then it seemed like a blizzard every week. relentless, that winter. a relentless love. it was like meredith grey kept asking “choose me. love me”. like we get it winter! ok – i choose you! jesus!

    that was the ’10-’11 winter.

    but even this winter, this stubborn one, what they have in common is the drama of it all. the 40 degree weeks followed by a weekend full of snow. drama. as much drama as the relentless and needy winter of ’10-’11.

    they call her mother nature, instead of father nature, for a reason.

    • So true. Oh, the drama of winter!

      And I remember that year well! So much soooo much snow and cold.

      (Also, love your comments as always, C. So thoughtful, so thank you.)

  8. I TOTALLY agree with everything in this post.

    Winter is kicking my behind this year, I don’t remember it being this HARD in the past.

    BUT, listening to Stubborn Love on repeat helps so much. I may have taught myself this on the guitar and have been playing it for months now. My roommates love it. Ha.

  9. I love the Lumineers. And no, it’s not dramatic. These dark, cold days are for the birds.

  10. Yayyy for the shout out! Thanks, sister! I’m also really excited to check out Bridget’s and Alex’s blogs…they look wonderful!

  11. thanks for the link, lady!! and yeah… that post office is like THE quintessential post office. i’m not just talkin’ new england. best in the world, say i!

  12. Oh gosh, I love this song, and I love them. Did you see them on SNL?! She is seriously the cutest!

  13. No really – it’s their best song. And the video – brings a lot of emotion to me, very close to home. Wow, they’re so talented.

  14. Great song! Right now I can’t get enough of Emmylou by First Aid Kit, my brother and his wife named their new daughter (born just two weeks ago!) Emmylou so I find I now extra love it!

  15. Mark and I watched the grammy’s together while organizing for baby #2. Let me set the stage for you. First, Mark knows nothing about pop culture. Second, he hates watching award shows/celebrities/anything that basically isn’t This Old House, The History Channel, or something similar. So this was remarkable.

    The Lumineers started playing and he jumps up like a school girl, speechless, pointing, almost flailing. He exclaims, “I really like this band.” Followed by, “I think I’m a hipster.”

    To which I am now speechless.

    I know you have seen pictures of Mark on my blog. Hipster he is not. Still laughing about this guy. What am I gonna do with him?

  16. This is so perfect and true, and that photo (without cars!!) is seriously stunning. Want that framed in my apartment right now. Also, YOUR ETSY SHOP IS OPENING FRIDAY AND FRIDAY IS MY BIRTHDAY AND I AM GOING TO BUY MYSELF A BIRTHDAY PRESENT OUT OF IT!! So excited for you! xxx

  17. Winter blah is right. The blizzard was cute and all, but come March, I better start seeing some spring time heading my way OR ELSE. I will keep my fingers crossed at least.

    Love this song too. Thanks for introducing the video. Hopefully playing it on repeat will help me through winter as well.

    Good luck working towards that etsy shop!

    • “The blizzard was cute and all, but come March, I better start seeing some spring time heading my way OR ELSE.”

      HAHA. My thoughts exactly.

  18. cole porter radio!!! ..i feel like i want to slinky saunter jazz-hands dance all over the place!! so good. and yes, i’m a little pb + jelly about a snow day (notice ‘day’ is not plural..i don’t know how i’d do with months + months of chill!), but happy the sun is out today in california :) bring it on spring!

  19. Thanks for the shout out Anna! SO sweet of you! Wasn’t the snow the best? I absolutely needed a snow day. Reminded me of Canada…I love the winter..even those long…dry days…
    We’re almost to Spuh-ring, though!

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